Friday, August 20, 2010

21st Sentry

Well...this is it...the final farewell...the curtain call...the end...of my summer break, aka "the time in my life when I am calm, relaxed, spontaneous, and can go without makeup".  Gone are the days of sleeping in...I must say adios to all things unhurried.  But, before I start boo hooing into my morning cup of coffee, I must say that work does have its advantages...mainly getting to see my friends...every day.  Much like the kids who are gearing up to go back to school (to see their friends), I am looking forward to the relationship part of it all.  The homework part...nah...not so much.  Each year at this time I stop and reflect...much like one does on January 1...about how this year I'm going to be more organized, have more patience, get enough sleep, etc., etc., etc. But the adult in me knows that deep down no matter how much I try to do all of the above...well...let's just say "life steps in."  Even so I am determined to take things a little more slowly.  I have such an appreciation for the "good old days"...a time when life was "simpler."  As our world and surroundings speed forward "into the future" I have decided that, while I plan on keeping up with all of the progress, I am going to do what I can to be ever watchful of how I spend my days.  Yes, I love my itouch and my cell phone and my computer.  Sure, I have mastered texting and dabbled in skyping.  I rely on emailing and troubleshooting and downloading.  All of those things are wonderful and they have made my life a little easier in many ways.  But this year I plan on relying heavily on enjoying and simply being.  As I stand guard and watch out for all that is coming ahead I still want to remain in touch with all that once was. 

Monday, August 16, 2010

Monkeying Around

This is the sight that greeted me when I came home today after leaving the kids home alone while I was at work.  Tonight I am writing out a detailed list of chores that absolutely must be completed before they can burn their stuffed animals at the stake.  Meanwhile, the kitchen showed signs of use as well.  I had to resist the strong urge to wipe up and wash out...after all...I wanted to have something for the little darlings to do tomorrow when I leave them alone again.  See, that's the "fun" of going to never know what surprises await you once you return home.  It was so "exciting" to find mystery stains on the couch pillows and such a "joy" to notice how many pots and pans had been used in a single day.  I especially liked discovering that honey was a part of lunch today.  So now I'm left wondering which is better:  having to monitor every single move your toddler makes...or being completely unaware of your teenager's activities.  Yes, I know, "good" parents know everything their teen is up to....but still....ignorance is bliss!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Friends Unearthed

I recently had the pleasure of visiting the home of a dear friend of mine.  This lady is just that...a every sense of the word.  Her home was a true reflection of the genuine and elegant nature she exudes in person.  Her private and personal world felt welcoming and real...and I love that in a person as well as in a home.  Through the years I've been blessed with a group of women to surround myself with.  It has been said that you become like the five people you hang around with the most...and if that proves itself true then I am in great company! 
My friend's home got me thinking about who we really are at our core.  Who we are when no one else is looking.  Home has always been a refuge for me...the place I long to be more than anywhere else.  I have a sign hanging in my house that says, "Surround Yourself With Things You Love," and to me, that includes our friends.  I am extremely fortunate in the fact that I get to work with and interract with these wonderful ladies every day.  This leads me to believe that these women were placed in my life for a reason.  Each of us has our own passions and quirks and each of us loves the other for them.  With each passing year our group learns more and more about the other; and as each layer of our persona is unearthed we becomre more and more exposed for who we truly are.  As both the years and the layers have passed by and peeled away we have only grown closer and loved deeper.  My dear are my home and I love you all.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Doctor's Orders

Took the kids to get their yearly physicals in order for them to participate in athletic events for the upcoming school year...and get this: the doctor told my daughter that it was okay to eat salty foods prior to and after exerting herself!! Something about low blood pressure and ??? I can't remember...all I heard was "salt." I can still recall the moment when my own doctor prescribed a glass of red wine every night.  First wine now salt....can life get any better than this?  When I get a prescription for chocolate you'll be the first to know!!