Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Usual Suspects

With my son out of town on a hunting trip the duty of caring for the chickens falls to yours truly.  I suppose I should get our local meteorologist's cell number because I can usually predict the weather with see...every single time I have to spend some time in the chicken coop the weather is extremely wet or extremly freezing.  Yesterday morning it was in the 20s!  So, before I so much as poured the first cup of coffee of the day, I am outside with my pajama pants tucked into my rubber boots feeding the masses.  Imagine my surprise when I opened the lid of the toolbox we use to house all of the feed and discovered my long lost mixing bowl, kitchen knife, and dishwashing gloves...the ones with the leopard design on them (obviously one must look fashionable when scraping the floor of the coop).  Such is the life of a mother of a son.  But, he is not the only borrower  in the house.  In my daughter's room one can find items such as: tweezers, hairspray, fingernail clippers, eyeshadows and fingernail polish....all of the things that at one time originated in my bathroom.  Apparently what is mine is theirs...or rather the chickens in my son's case.  I have deduced that since girls generally don't hang out in the barn with power tools they tend to seek out beauty tools instead.  And when they find them they like to keep them within close proximity in the event that an emergency should arise...such as a stray eyebrow hair or a chipped nail.  I have also deduced that since boys are not huge fans of cleanliness but instead prefer to eat, their favorite place to pilfer is naturally the kitchen.  So, in the end, I have concluded that the crimes were committed in both the bathroom and the Colonel Mustard and Miss Scarlet, a.k.a. my son and my daughter.

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