Friday, May 22, 2009

Butterfly Moments in Life

There have been a lot of celebrations these past few days. I have enviously, but joyously looked on as some of my colleagues retired; I have listened with pride as my sister told me of my nephew's completion of kindergarten; I have been in the same room as my daughter and two other pre-teens as they primped and giggled and fluttered about just before their first dance. I have driven home with my son and one of his friends as they excitedly planned their weekend activites. Each of these moments were celebrations of life if nothing else. For my colleagues it was a celebration of all of their hard work and dedication to their life's work and a realization that a new beginning was in store for them. For my sister it was a celebration of accomplishment and the knowledge of her son's growth. For my daughter it was a celebration of the end of not only school, but of elementary school at that...a celebration of pure excitement. So many changes will be taking place in her life as she prepares for middle school. For my son it was a celebration of opportunity to continue to grow as a person and as a friend. His wings are drying out and the test flapping has begun...soon he will be soaring to new heights. As I sat back and witnessed each of these occasions I could not help but to feel happy for each them. Like the beautiful butterfly, each of these people, who so graciously bless my life simply because they are in it, have gone through or are going through many different ages, stages, and changes. They have crawled and they have flown. They are beautiful to observe and they remind me just how precious life is.

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