Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Skipped Steps

I am in need of some good lotion. My legs are starting to grow scales…I have only recently noticed this as I have finally resorted to shaving my legs again now that the weather is warming up. I was hoping that if I drank enough water throughout the day my skin would be hydrated and look moist…uh nope…doesn’t really work that way for me. The fact is I know that if I simply applied lotion everything would be taken care of. The problem is that I am too lazy to put it on. It is ANOTHER STEP in my to-do life. Lately I have been skipping many of the regular, “normal,” steps people take to get themselves “ready.” There really are so many things that can be skipped and the world still rotates. Take shaving for example. There is no great need for me to spend the extra time needed to shave legs that are white, varicose, and dimply. These same legs are usually always hidden beneath long skirts or pants. And, if you go long enough without shaving, the pokey spikey feeling eventually goes away.
Then there is the whole hair washing scene. SKIP IT! I really do not see how women wash their hair EVERY day. Just how dirty does it get?! I for one am a big fan of baby powder…it absorbs the oils on my head and affords me another day with one less step in it.
And, even though my mother will cringe reading this next one, I must come clean and admit that I have done this, though only on very rare occasions. Going to bed with my makeup still on grants me that coveted extra ten minutes in the morning. Waterproof mascara helps my lashes appear dark and I only need to add more eyeliner to cover up any smudges.

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