Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Room to Grow

I am sitting on the floor in front of the girls' dressing room at a local department store where I am practicing parental patience breathing techniques. My twelve year old daughter is behind closed doors trying on clothes...need I say more?

We have been here all of 9 minutes and my pulse is excellerating. I fear being rolled out of here atop a gurney...the day I don't have on so much as under-eye concealer but I do have on three-sizes-too-small undies. When asked if I have an existing heart condition I'll feebly raise my palid hand and point to my preteen. When pressed for more details I'll be forced to relive the moments I was forced to endure the irrational illogic that can only spew forth from a girl in a dressing room who wants the way-too-tight/too-small pair of jeans; insisting that it doesn't matter because her yet-to-be-purchased tops will cover them up. After a VERY slow and deep inhale and exhale (and with the deliberate ommission of the oh-so obvious notion that the jeans cost money and will be outgrown BEFORE school even starts) I simply said, "No." (This would be the part where the drama kicked in).

Yes, people, I remember what it was like to be that age...I STILL feel that way! I still want to look like the actresses in the movies; I still try to copy the models in the magazines. However, I have yet to figure out a way to actually afford it all...other than bargain hunting, making do, or doing without. (It is important to note that one would be hard pressed to convince a twelve year old girl to adopt any one of the three above-mentioned options).

It has now officially been an hour and "we" have only been trying on pants.

...6:00 p.m....still here...

Okay...I caved on one pair of skinny jeans, but held firm on the flare legs (I know...I know...it should have been the other way around...), she got her way on a pair of denim capris (but only because they were the last ones and in "her" size), but I did my best to convince her that she really looked better in "the next size up" pair (keeping my fingers crossed on this one).

Myself...well...I was in need of a new black belt and a new brown belt. In true "make-do" fashion I found a reversible belt that served both needs. Now if I can just keep myself from passing up the last notch on the belt it will have been completely worth the trip!

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