Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Say What?!

I am still alive...barely.  Just the other day...I think it was yesterday....but it's all a little fuzzy to me considering the fact that I HAVE NOT ANY CAFFEINE TODAY!!  You see, yesterday I had a follow-up doctor visit to check on my exhausted adrenal glands.  Last August it was determined that I was literally Dead Woman Walking...and it wasn't only because my double-ended candle had combusted.  It had something to do with "Adrenal Fatigue."  Now, I'm no doctor, but it seems a little WRONG to tell a FATIGUED WOMAN to lay off the CAFFEINE for an ENTIRE DAY in order to conduct a test to see whether or not she's tired!!!!  I still do not know how I made it to and through work today.  Oh...and did I mention...I am NOT ALLOWED ANY CHOCOLATE either?!  TORTURE!!!  So basically I have existed on WATER and ....well, that's about it.  Not really workin' for me here.  I have one more vial of saliva to fill between 10:00 and midnight and then WOO HOO PARTY TIME!!!  ONLY IT'S BEDTIME!!!  Could the day just get any worse?!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Wish I May...Wish I Might...

It is my wish that I could make all of the women in my life happy.  I am so blessed to have so many wonderful ladies in my life on a daily basis.  Most of them don't even know how much they mean to me.  They come in all shapes, sizes, and ages...and I love them all.  I have little girls who look up to me and come by my office just to say 'hello' and to give me a hug.  I have my teenage daughter who is one of my dreams come true.  I have women in their twenties surrounding me, and thank God they do, because they help me stay current and true.  They also remind me to be thankful that I am no longer twenty!  The thirty-somethings, I have to admit, unknowingly remind me that I am three months shy of leaving their demographic.  But it is the women over the age of 40...over the age of 50...over the age of 60 who inspire me the most.  I have always been an "older spirit" and absolutely respect the words these women have shared with me.  Some of them encourage me to "go for it" while others know better than to ask too many questions...they have mastered the art of listening.  It is the women who have already been where I am now who strengthen me just by being around them.  There is no textbook I could read that would make me wise enough to be the women they are to me.  But, once I have experienced life, then, and only then, will I be able to be like the women who mean so much to me. 
All of this to say...I'm back!  I have never taken a true "hiatus" or a "sabbatical" although I think I have taken a lobotical (my own term!) for the past 9 months...hey..."9 months!"...the irony of THAT length of time is certainly not lost on me! Much like a pregnancy I have been growing (literally and figuratively) and preparing.  I hated being away from this blog for so long.  The good news is that so many of you awesome women friends of mine have encouraged me and supported me and I could not think of a better way to say thank you than to post as often as possible! 
In a couple of weeks I'll be out of school/work for the summer so I'll have even more time to share. I am looking forward to brooding!!!