Saturday, June 21, 2008 there's a clean spot on my carpet!

(note: this entry was originally written on May 13, 2008--while I was still juggling many a plate)

The sophistication fairy must have run out of dust by the time she flew over our tiny town. At the end of a long and questionable day all I wanted to do was finish the last twenty pages of the book I have been trying to read since May 6th (I know the date because I've been waiting for this book to be published for a year now!). Anyway, bound and determined to not only cook but to cook healthy I had to feed the rascals. Then I had to lash out orders to my daughter about vacuuming...multiple times. Then I had to help my son with his homework. Then I had to walk with the kids to see the progress on their aunt and uncle's house. Then I had to clean up the kitchen (fyi: "healthy" eating requires constant grocery store visits (no stock piling the fresh veggies); PREPARATION (ugh); more than five minutes...way more than five minutes; planning ahead and timing; seasonings; cutting, chopping, rinsing, draining, straining, simmering...MORE THAN ONE POT/PAN/UTENSIL).

Then I had to wash my face. Then I had to change clothes. Then I had to let the dog out. Then I had to enforce bath time. Then I had to enforce teeth brushing. Then I had to say prayers. Then I had to tuck in. THEN I poured a glass of red wine...into my PLASTIC wine glass (topped it off to be precise). Then I put on my WHITE nightgown. Then I set my wine plastic onto my nightstand. Then it toppled over to the right (toward my cell brand new cell phone...toward my laptop, which was resting on the CARPET...the LIGHT OFf-WHITE CARPET). Then I grabbed it. Then it toppled over to the left (toward my PILLOWS (already stacked up awaiting my arrival),my light BEIGE bed skirt, and my favorite WHITE blanket). The glass...uh, PLASTIC apparently separated itself from its base...not when I poured the wine IN THE KITCHEN...but when I set it down on my nightstand.

I spent the next twenty five minutes soaking my CREAM colored bath towels into my carpet and sopping up whatever I could of the wine off of my grandmother's buffet table which sentimentally serves as my nightstand. I threw everything into the bathtub-house shoes included, turned the water on hot and dumped a couple of scoops of OxyClean into the makeshift washing machine---BAM! When I opened up one of the table's leaves (it swings upward) the wine droplets that were previously stuck in the wood's crease dripped down onto the carpet so I had to repeat all of the steps I mentioned above.

Now get this...I have since discovered that Woolite's PET STAIN & ODOR REMOVER with Oxygen REMOVES RED WINE STAINS FROM LIGHT COLORED CARPET, WHITE NIGHTGOWNS, AND BRAND NEW CELL PHONES. The only problem is that now I have a very visible clean section of carpet in my bedroom.

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