Friday, October 17, 2008

Are You Kitten Me?

I've never been a "cat person." Now I am one...thanks to my daughter and her recent adoption of a stray kitten. So far I have learned the following:
  1. cat turds can make you wish you did not own a nose
  2. leather furniture is not cat-resistant
  3. dust bunnies make for great inexpensive toys
  4. purring is soothing to both cat and owner
  5. cat eyes glow in the dark-and in photographs
  6. dogs growl when cats are near/cats hiss when dogs are near
  7. toilet paper is fair game
  8. all knick knacks are likely to be knocked over
  9. I'm ready for the cat to live outdoors

When Snickers started batting one of the many clumps of dust we have rolling around our floor I realized that it was time to actually vacuum and dust-dammit! There's nothing like a pet being able to swat a BALL of DUST between its paws to open one's eyes to the state of filth one lives in. This little kitten is suddenly starting to feel right at home. She thinks nothing of scaling Mount Leather Chair with her razor sharp claws. I think she actually enjoys eating my plants. She has even gone so far as to dance precariously between the window and the 12 glass votives resting on the sill. Wouldn't you just know that winter is our next season? I am a softy when it comes to animals, but I am also at a stage in life where my skin is growing tougher...the things we endure for the sake of our kids. There is a part of me that wants nothing more than to be able to allow my kids the opportunities to house varmits and rodents, reptiles, and say yes to their decorative not bat an eye when they hammer nails into the walls and accidentally drip fingernail polish on the carpet. But there is another part of me that longs for the Pottery Barn life...the floral rugs resting atop hardwood floors...the lounge chairs and the cork boards...all in the children's rooms. NOT!

I am stuck in between a fantasy existence and a frantic reality. To compensate I keep my kids' doors closed and I insist on tying knots in the plastic grocery bags that hold the kitty litter.

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