Sunday, January 4, 2009

Put a Cork In It!

It's time to bid adieu to my glorious two-week vacation. When my alarm sounds tomorrow morning it will be a rude and abrupt reminder that my days of sleeping in until ten are are my nights of staying up until 1 a.m. Fortunately for me tomorrow is classified as a "work day" which means only staff will be kids. This translates as: I will be able to get things done! Except when I am busy catching up with all of my work family. Days like these are great because we get to actually eat a "real" lunch which lasts longer than the usual 15 minutes! I am fortunate in the fact that I truly love what I do and as far as work is concerned I have the best job in the world!! That being said, if I ever do win the lottery I will let someone else love my best job in the world pronto!

One thing that bugs the heck out of me is when people say "I wouldn't want to stay home...I'd get so bored." BORED?! ARE YOU SERIOUS PEOPLE?!? If there is 1 thing that I never is bored. As a matter of fact, as a child, I was never even allowed to use the "bad" word "boring." Instead, I could only say that something was "uneventful." (Now you can probably see why I was never bor-unevented). I honestly believe that I would enjoy every last minute of being alone on an island...well...not the starvation part of it...or the survival part of it...but at least the being alone part of it. I am as much at home in solitude as I am in festivities (though I prefer the former to the latter). Being in the field of education I truly have the best of both worlds. With both of my kids in school all of us are on the same schedule so it all works out...well...everything except the laundry, the dishes, the meals, the housekeeping, the sanity.....

Anyway, I am trying to mentally prepare myself for what we in the business of educating the youth call "the long haul" (the second semester of school...many many many consecutive days of working without another day off!). Tomorrow is like a test run...a chance to ease back into the "routine" of chaos.

I am already looking forward to that glass of merlot when I come home!

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