Tuesday, August 11, 2009

In Too Steep

Well...there's no turning back now. I officially returned to work today after being off for the summer. I won't lie...those two months are definitely a perk and are often what keep me motivated. But I really do enjoy what I do and the people with whom I am privileged to work make for some really fantastic days. Just like the kids, us teachers get just as excited to see each other when we head back to school. Some of us have shorter hair...some of us have grown our hair out. And still others of us have changed our hair color altogether! No matter the changes we are all still one big reunited family and it feels good to see each other again. Of course there are always some new faces of which we eagerly take under our wing and grow to love...oftentimes learning more from them than we could have ever imagined.

On my first day back I was faced with a multitude of obstacles...I was starting to think I was being tested. My sleep was interrupted at 4 a.m. when my daughter came in to inform me that the dog had peed in her bed!, I couldn't fall back asleep until 5:45 with my alarm sounding at 6:00, almost every single road I had to travel on was under construction, and on my way to a meeting at my boss's house I missed her street (since it was THE ONLY ONE WITHOUT A STREET SIGN!) but that's not the only reason I was TWO HOURS LATE...my daughter's back to school orientation was at the very same time! Nice first impression don't ya think?!

Despite all of these things I was determined to maintain a calm demeanor and managed to laugh it off. Tomorrow promises more of the same but I'm hopeful I can at least remember to let the dog out before I fall asleep.

Monday, August 10, 2009

My To-Do List Just Got Longer

T-minus 1 day and counting....it's official...my Pollyanna outlook is quickly leaving my body. I even have the three..count them THREE fever blisters to prove just how painful this process is! Just what is the cause of this horrific scenario one might ask? I return to work tomorrow! Life as I have come to enjoy it (a life lived in eight week's time) will forever be altered and no matter how many motivational quotes I post on my mirror, in my calendar, on my car's dashboard, on the fridge, in my wallet, on my computer, on my forehead (you get the picture) it doesn't change the fact that the hustle and chaos that is attached to a working mom is still going to cling to me and prevent things from going smoothly...as they did in the summer months. During the summer months (a.k.a. "when I'm NOT working") it seems that there is never any traffic...there is always a parking space--UP CLOSE...there is never a line (and even if, on a rare occassion there is...I never mind waiting in it because I'm not in a frickin' rush!)...there is always time to be thoughtful and considerate and I'm always able to feel more like me because I've had the benefit of actual SLEEP (more than 4 hours) because I don't have to be startled to death at the clanging of a loud alarm hell-bent on rattling my nerves with the obvious intent on preparing me for the day ahead...and a LONG day ahead it always is what with AFTER work meetings, doctor appointments, athletic practices, games, church activities and the like.

And then there is the whole other issue of "prepping" oneself to look somewhat presentable to the public. I find it extremely ironic that during my time off I do not have to wear any makeup due to the fact that the stress has left my face and since I am more relaxed I actually look relaxed. This means that I do not have to worry about putting makeup on nor taking it off. But now that I will be interacting with hundreds of human beings all day every day I have to do the whole "morning/evening 'routine' routine." Back in the day this would have been fine when a light dusting of blush and regular mascara were the extent. Nowadays I must wear waterproof mascara (I tend to cry alot...you know...driving to work...working at work...thinking about work.......and then, of course, there are those seasonal allergies to contend with....ALL 4 SEASONS!). This means that I have tug and tug and tug at my lashes as I try to remove all traces of mascara without tugging on the delicate skin around the eye area. Nowadays I must wear more and more makeup in an effort to look more and more 'natural.' Nowadays I have to wear makeup or else I will scare all of the children. All of this just to illustrate the fact that I have to refer to a check list when putting on/taking off my face (and this list is only for the cleansers and moisturizers and anti-aging cremes and treatment gels...).

I have yet to mention the myraid other "to-dos" that go along with making sure my kids are ready for school. I have purchased school supplies for the middle schooler and am sending my high schooler on his way with a pen and a prayer. I have suffered through the trying on of clothes with my daughter and the extended cleaning sessions in my son's room. I have signed multiple forms and conversed with school counselors. I have negotiated with my boss about the fact that I will be late (as in not even going to make it late) to the first meeting of the year because I'll be at my daughter's orientation. I have driven my son to his football practices and picked him back up again. I have listened to Mix 96.1 and watched the Teen Choice Awards.

I have decided that no matter how much I have to do I already know it won't always get done. I already know that things are going to be insanely chaotic and that I will need nerves of steel. I know that I will need more sleep than ever before but that I will be unable to get it. I know that I had a good summer...and I know that I can't wait for the next one!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Getting Organized

Well....here I am...staring my end-of-summer-deadline in the face...the countdown is on and I have been pulling several all-nighters-in-a-row attempting to get done "all the things I said I'd do when I was 'off for the summer' before Tuesday, August 11th. I simply chose (as I always do) to cram it all into the final four days of my summer instead of spreading it out over the past eight weeks. That's just how I roll. My summer goal was to SIMPLIFY and to ORGANIZE (which has been my goal for the past twenty-plus years...but I digress....). The difference is...this time I am actually doing it. Take my pantry for example: the "before" picture (which is not shown...for obvious reasons) always lead us to believe that-even though we could never find anything to eat, we just knew there had to be something edible in there. NOW....now that all is organized we KNOW that we don't have anything to eat. But, like most things in this world...it's not about what you have...it's about how you look...and my pantry looks GOOD!!!

Friday, August 7, 2009

The Perfect Ingredients

I just returned home after watching the premiere of Julie & Julia and I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed it...though not necessarily for the reasons you might think. You see, I shared the movie experience with a dear colleague from work...a kindred soul. It was obvious to me the moment I saw the first preview several months ago whom I would want to see this movie with. K.E. is a woman extremely passionate about all things "food." I happen to be of the opinion (as are many others) that she is simply a natural in the kitchen blessed with culinary genes. She literally lights up whenever she talks food and I love her for it! I, on the other hand, love all things "writing/books." So there you have it...the perfect ingredients for movie-going with a friend!

One can't help but to fall in love with the exhuberant, life-embracing personality that is Julia Child. It is no wonder that Julie Powell chose her as her muse. The parallels are incredible and they are enough to give someone, as far-removed from the kitchen as I, hope.

My hope for this "year" (for those of us in education our "year" starts in August) is that my friend and I mix together and blend all of the ingredients needed to make our lives turn out well done. Bon Appetit!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Why Did the Parent Sit in the Parking Lot? .... To wait for her son!

It may be "that time again" for a lot of you out there...but it's a first for me. I just had my official first experience as the mother of a high school football player. This experience consisted of dropping off my son early this evening, killing time for the next 3 1/2 hours, and then sitting in the stifling heat for another hour waiting for his first practice to end. We got home close to 9:45 and the boy had the nerve to tell me that he was starving..."for a big dinner." Whoa baby...do we have to get a few things straightened out if he wants to live to practice another day!

As far as the chicken picture goes: believe it or not, this is the sight I saw as I pulled into the high school's parking lot this evening. I considered it "a sign" ... though I'm not sure of what exactly.....

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Are You Happy Now?!

Two entries ago I described my cat as one who prefers lounging to ...well...just about anything. In an effort to prove me wrong Snickers comes prancing back toward the house this afternoon with a little extra something dangling from her jaws. This is the first time in almost a YEAR that I have ever witnessed such a sight as this. I won't pretend that I didn't consider photographing this milestone for posterity...but there was the dying lizard to consider. While tiny lizards are not necessarily the types of critters that need to be erradicated I was, nevertheless, proud/happy??? for Snickers.
This got me thinking about myself...just because I prefer lounging to...well...just about anything...doesn't mean that I can't exert myself when the need arises....it just hasn't arisen yet.