I just returned home after watching the premiere of
Julie & Julia and I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed it...though not necessarily for the reasons you might think. You see, I shared the movie experience with a dear colleague from work...a kindred soul. It was obvious to me the moment I saw the first preview several months ago whom I would want to see this movie with. K.E. is a woman extremely passionate about all things "food." I happen to be of the opinion (as are many others) that she is simply a natural in the kitchen blessed with culinary genes. She literally lights up whenever she talks food and I love her for it! I, on the other hand, love all things "writing/books." So there you have it...the perfect ingredients for movie-going with a friend!
One can't help but to fall in love with the exhuberant, life-embracing personality that is Julia Child. It is no wonder that Julie Powell chose her as her muse. The parallels are incredible and they are enough to give someone, as far-removed from the kitchen as I, hope.
My hope for this "year" (for those of us in education our "year" starts in August) is that my friend and I mix together and blend all of the ingredients needed to make our lives turn out well done.
Bon Appetit!
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