Simplify! Simplify! Simplify! That's what I kept telling myself that I was going to do as soon as I was off for the summer. I mentally prepared myself to toss everything I ever owned except for my coffee maker...and my mug...and my favorite blanket....oh yeah...and that little swallow's nest I found on the ground.......
This was obviously going to be harder than I thought. I've steeled myself against sentimentality...I don't want to live in clutter and be surrounded by junk only to one day die and have a house full of strangers pick through my belongings. I want to own my stuff rather than having it own me (yes, I've been reading "How To Organize" books...but now I have so many of them I don't know where to put them)!
I go back and forth between craving a minimalist and modern existence free from clutter and opting instead for my "lived in/everything has a story" reality. Every now and then I pretend that at tornado is on its' way and realize that not much of it really matters anyway...I would certainly live without my dust collectors...yes, life would go on. I've thought often about the possibility of boxing up all of my stuff and storing it (but that would mean I'd have to purchase a barn the size of a warehouse).
Everytime I opt to carry a small purse I inevitably need my hand sanitizer, my laundry stick, some tissue, the bug spray, and a travel pillow. But when I bring my huge purse...okay...BAG...I can't find any of the items I know are in there. I like being prepared...I just don't like to prepare. I am getting extremly tired of thinking ahead and predicting any and all possible outcomes to any situation that might present itself. Since I've been off work I've packed and unpacked twice and am getting ready to pack again. Both times I overdid usual. Both times I didn't have what I needed/wanted... or did I?
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