I got out of bed super early this morning (one reason being that my husband turned on the top light and flung a stack of papers onto the bed for me to sign-no...not "those papers"-we are in the process of refinancing our vehicles and he "forgot to have me sign them last night"). Since I was now awake I decided to go ahead and get with the program. This is the longest I've been "alone" in a while. The kids are thankfully still asleep and I was able to catch the opening sequence of the Today Show for the first time this summer. I've had a cup of coffee, been on the computer, and watched my brother-in-law tromp through the house to shower and refill his water jug. I have loads of laundry to do, plenty of "stuff" to unpack and put away, and countless other tasks to keep me busy. By the time I get everything in its place it will be Wednesday night---time for me to pack a whole 'nother set of "stuff" for our extended weekend at the lake. Granted the only salt will be found in a shaker on the table, but still...it's another "vacation". Only this time it is with my husband's family instead of mine.
Like the seagull in the picture above I have mixed emotions. Part of me wants to yell "Mine! Mine! Mine!" as they do in Finding Nemo. Another part of me simply wants to soar above it all. Of course, the seagulls are always hovering...battling the strong winds...waiting for cheetos or bread crumbs to be thrown up at them...me...well...the racoons stole my Cheetos and my bread is squooshed and moldy.
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