Three girls in a bar and all we attract is a rubber chicken. Let me set the scene for you: Lucy, Dana, and I finally got together for an evening at Champs. The last time all three of us were together was in November of '07. This girls' night was way overdue. We ordered a huge plate of nachos with the works and had ourselves a drink or two. We were getting all caught up in each other's drama when a man walked over to our table. He introduced himself as "The Rubber Chicken Magician" and informed us that he was paid by Champs and that he did not work for tips (good thing). He had a gold plated name tag to prove it had we asked for i.d. He worked his magic on Tuesdays and today was his day...lucky us.
He said that he had been wanting to come over to our table for a while but noticed that we were heavy in discussion and didn't want to interrupt. But when Lucy returned from the restroom he found his opening. He rattled on about male and female rabbits and then placed a spongey rabbit in Dana's hand..."Poof!" She opened her hand and an entire family of rabbits spilled out onto the table. We laughed the obligatory laughs and widened our eyes a little trying to humor him--not sure where this was heading. I snapped a picture or two and he returned to his table. A few minutes later he was back...this time with an invisible deck of cards. Since I never leave home without my very own invisible deck I whipped mine out for him to "see." He asked me to take the cards out of the box, pick a card, and return the rest of the cards to the box. He then asked me to "show" my card to Lucy and Dana, which I did. Next he asked me to put my card face up anywhere in his deck of downward facing cards (these are all invisible mind you). He asked me to tell him and Lucy and Dana the name of the card I had selected..."The 3 of clubs." He reached into his jacket's inside breast pocket and pulls out a very visible deck of cards. He fans them out and in the center there is one card that is facing the opposite way of the was the 3 of clubs!!! Now that was cool!
When he came back to our table for the third time he made each of us a paper flower and said, "Next time I'll bring a Hershey's kiss to put in the center of it so I can give you a flower and a kiss." Okay...that's just creepy.
Message to all of you husbands out there who worry when your woman goes out with the girls: it's not like in the least not for Dana, Lucy, and I. We attract the old men with spongey rabbits in their pockets. You have nothing to fear. Magic man bid us a good night, handed out business cards, asked me to email him the photo I took, and told us he was picking up our tab. And then he disappeared.
When it was time to leave our waitress dropped off our bill...apparently rubber chicken man hadn't mastered that last trick of his.
He said that he had been wanting to come over to our table for a while but noticed that we were heavy in discussion and didn't want to interrupt. But when Lucy returned from the restroom he found his opening. He rattled on about male and female rabbits and then placed a spongey rabbit in Dana's hand..."Poof!" She opened her hand and an entire family of rabbits spilled out onto the table. We laughed the obligatory laughs and widened our eyes a little trying to humor him--not sure where this was heading. I snapped a picture or two and he returned to his table. A few minutes later he was back...this time with an invisible deck of cards. Since I never leave home without my very own invisible deck I whipped mine out for him to "see." He asked me to take the cards out of the box, pick a card, and return the rest of the cards to the box. He then asked me to "show" my card to Lucy and Dana, which I did. Next he asked me to put my card face up anywhere in his deck of downward facing cards (these are all invisible mind you). He asked me to tell him and Lucy and Dana the name of the card I had selected..."The 3 of clubs." He reached into his jacket's inside breast pocket and pulls out a very visible deck of cards. He fans them out and in the center there is one card that is facing the opposite way of the was the 3 of clubs!!! Now that was cool!
When he came back to our table for the third time he made each of us a paper flower and said, "Next time I'll bring a Hershey's kiss to put in the center of it so I can give you a flower and a kiss." Okay...that's just creepy.
Message to all of you husbands out there who worry when your woman goes out with the girls: it's not like in the least not for Dana, Lucy, and I. We attract the old men with spongey rabbits in their pockets. You have nothing to fear. Magic man bid us a good night, handed out business cards, asked me to email him the photo I took, and told us he was picking up our tab. And then he disappeared.
When it was time to leave our waitress dropped off our bill...apparently rubber chicken man hadn't mastered that last trick of his.
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