As soon as I roll out my exercise mat Roo immediately claims it as her very own spot to rest. But, once she spied the 2lb. weights she began to have second thoughts. I know exactly how she felt (Notice her expression: "Hold on just a second....I am slowly backing away....") I
know exercising is good for me. I know that if I keep at it I will begin to see results...I GET IT PEOPLE! But here's the rub...I DON'T WANT TO DO IT!!! I like all of the
gear...the mat, the dumb bells, the lycra, the outfits, the tennis shoes (I even bought one of those purple exercise balls...but, as you can see, it is
outside on the porch deflating rapidly...in fact, Snickers is worn out just by the mere sight of it!
)...it's the doing it after a long, hard day part...it's the getting undressed and then dressed again just to sweat and get undressed again...it's the "I don't like bouncing around on achey joints when I could be reading right now" part of it all. But...I have stuck with it. And, yes, I am starting to see results...
and...I am feeling good about myself--dammit!
HAVE to keep exercising! And so I do. Yes, I have skipped a couple of days here and there...mainly because of my crazy schedule...but I have picked right back up as soon as I was able. I like the fact that I am doing
something to make me better. I also like the fact that my pets and I have so much in common!!!
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