Friday, July 23, 2010


Spent some time outdoors watching a flat tire being changed...ugh!  It scared me to think that the last time that I actually loosened a lug nut was back when I was forced to during a driver's ed class in high school.  Sure, I know that I could if I absolutely had to....but...ugh!  Especially on a day like today when just standing outside and not even moving resulted in sweat actually beading and dripping down my was like a sauna...the stifling kind...the "you are going to suffocate and die if you don't rush out of here and into an air conditioned building" kind of stifling...ugh!  Just the thought of having to lie down ON THE GROUND even if it were on a blanket, and exert oneself FOR THE SAKE OF CHANGING A TIRE!!!! UGH!  You see, I hate to be the "typical woman" and expect a guy to change my tire...but....well.....they are just so good at it!

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