Friday, November 14, 2008


I do not like cat hair. Nor do I like the sound carpet makes when it is being snagged and ripped by the claws of a cat. But I do like soft, furry things that purr when you love on them. Herein lies the conundrum…what to do, what to do?? I can’t declaw a creature who may have to exist outdoors, but I can’t keep a sharp clawed creature indoors where I house such belongings as…well…my belongings (some of which include mosquito nets and leather furniture). But, just like when an innocent child accidentally spills their milk, I can’t really be angry with the cat.

Just the other day, while playing hookey, I left my doors and windows open so that I could enjoy the beautiful weather a little more. Our cat (suddenly she is “our” cat instead of my daughter’s cat) waltzed outside and, once on the sidewalk, flipped herself up into the air and landed (gracefully somehow) on her back where she basked for a few moments before leaping back up and doing a few twists and turns. I went and grabbed my camera in order to capture her playfulness. There is one shot that happened before I even knew it happened. All I know is that in an instant our cat was a foot in the air swatting at an insect that apparently only she could see. I snapped the shutter and managed to get most of it. Ahhh...the sheer joy of play. I learned alot about stopping, relaxing, and enjoying in that brief moment I spent watching our cat be a cat.

This got me thinking: Why is it so hard to just be who we are? While I may not like it that the cat wants to claw at the furniture I 'm not really mad at her for doing so...I know it is just in her nature to do so...and I still love her. Why must we constantly censor ourselves out of fear of not "being" right? The people in our lives need to love us...even when we claw at the furniture...because we're just doing what's in our nature to do. So be YOU and be HAPPY!

We all know that "life is too short" and that we need to "live life to the fullest" but do we really act on those notions? I think more of us need to let the sun fall on our shoulders...we need to jump and twist and play a little more each day.

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