Monday, November 3, 2008

Living It Up on the Day of the Dead

I spent the weekend at the Texas Book Festival in Austin, Texas. I went with one of my best friends (we met when we were in the 2nd grade!). She and I have always shared a deep passion for all things literary. This being the case, I invited her to tag along with me on my mission to immerse myself in things that bring me joy.

I was determined to get out of Dodge and relish being 'free' and alive in my own skin. While I seriously contemplated going solo I knew that I desperately needed someone who knew their way around Austin-enter Lucy.
Lucy is my very own Auntie Mame and I love her dearly. She has always been there for me and I know she will always be. I knew that she would allow me to linger over book tables without judgement...she would understand it when I insisted we wait in line to get a book signed. In other words-I knew that she would let me be me.

Just a couple of years away (literally) from turning 40 I have never just taken off on my own and spent the night away if for no other reason than I wanted to. I must say it was totally liberating--things like buying a sausage on a stick and a Coke brought me a priceless thrill. I thought nothing of leaving our hotel room at night to attend a function across town AFTER 9:00 PM! And then eating LATE at night on a roof top on 6th Street. The air was crisp and I was content. There was a part of me who wanted to check in and never check out.

I found myself trying to live in the moment but I kept getting caught up in observing. I could not help but to wonder about each and every person I saw: Were they in college? Were they visitors? Would their parents keel over if they knew what was going on? I found myself very aware that I was a parent of children heading for this type of lifestyle. While I tried to push all of the hats I wear off of my head I could never really get rid of them...nor did I really want to. It was comforting to know that I was capable of not thinking a single thought (and I was never interrupted during this time) and I actually took notice of the way that the air felt. It was a crisp and clear night and nothing stuck to me.

Lucy and I visited "The Library" and enjoyed sitting and watching. It was very nerdy of me, but I felt a little giddy knowing that I really am a librarian--though Brenden Frasier was nowhere near! We saw all kinds of interesting sights--especially considering the fact that it was Halloween Weekend. I found it quite ironic that I tried to live a little on the Day of the Dead.

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