Friday, November 14, 2008

Straight Up

The stage was set: I rushed home after work, deposited my kids in the house,
touched up my makeup and then backed out of the driveway...I was on my way to San myself! I had waited all day long for the work day to end so that my living could begin. I was going to listen to Stephanie Klein, author of Straight Up and Dirty and Moose, speak at the Jewish Community Center for and hour and a half.

Imagine my surprise when one of my best friends in the whole wide world walks through the front doors! How cool was this night going to be?! This was THE friend who introduced me to all things inappropriate...all things taboo...ALL THINGS PERIOD!!!How perfect that she and I would be sitting in the front row listening to a woman use the f-word when describing her mother-in-law!!!

Even though my friend and I are within walking distance of our forties (me more so than her...dammit!) we can't help but to revert back to prepubescent girls whenever we get together. She shares my love of books, reading, writing, and movies, and we have always been there for each other. There is another "one of us" who was not present that evening, but who would have loved it just the same. There is something to be said about girls, womanhood, friendships, and bonds. We are so fortunate to have been able to have been in each other's lives, in one way or another, for over 30 years (gulp).

We are in the process of planning a girls' weekend at the lake cabin again so that we can shake loose the heavy hats that we wear. Each of us needs a safe place where we can let down our guard and just be. In each other's presence we did not have to hold in our stomachs and we can sit cross-legged without fear of comment. We are able to be who we are.

Stephanie Klein was very emphatic when she insisted that we are not our past or our mothers...we are who WE are. She drove home the fact that it is better to be not so perfect as long as we are happy with who we are. When she and I talked after she was finished speaking she looked me in the eye the entire time I was speaking---despite the fact that there was a line snaking around the corner. She listened and she laughed. She even suggested that, perhaps, she and I could get together for coffee...can you imagine?! You heard it here first folks!

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