I'm finally at a point in my life where I don't care if I haven't been a good girl come December. Santa can kiss my ball of mistletoe because this chick has had her fill of brownie points. I am tired of being good. I am fed up with doing right. I am sick of following rules. Am I afraid that I'm not going to get what I wished for? Har! Far from it! I am no longer closing my eyes and blowing out candles with the high hopes of receiving. Instead I am going to go full throttle forward in my pursuit of granting my own wishes. No longer am I going to rely on anyone or anything to make my dreams come true. I am the only one who knows what I truly want and what I truly need to make me a happy girl. At the risk of sounding selfish I am declaring out loud my new mantra: "It's All About Me!"
I have a few short weeks left in 2008 and I intend to make them count. I want to get the momentum rolling so that when January 1st rolls around I already have enough speed to propel me into the new year without the safety of brakes. I already know that my '08 resolutions did not come to fruition, but that is not going to stop me from tacking them on to my '09 goals.
I still value my family, and I still enjoy my job, but I am ready to focus on the person who needs me most...and that is ME!
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