Our annual Veteran's Day ceremony gets me every time. I cannot imagine how the veteran's attending this event must feel being able to see the benefits of their personal sacrifices. Some have not had to wait all that long having fought in the current war on terrorism while others were called to duty before I was even born. For these men and women to be able to see and hear the voices of children...children who know nothing but freedom...I hope they know that it is because of their commitment to and love for our country that our youth can be happy children.
Flags were saluted, pledges were read, anthems were sung, and Taps was played...all by students. Hands were placed over hearts and respect was paid. How humbling it was to stand in an elementary school gym-safe and free-knowing I didn't do one thing to deserve it...I was only born...in America...THANK YOU TO ALL WHO HAVE SERVED, AND ARE CURRENTLY SERVING TO DEFEND OUR GREAT NATION.
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