Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The End is Near

I just got in from a 2 mile walk...that's right...count 'em...2 miles baby!!! I figured that I better make good on my '08 resolution to walk/exercise this year...and...since it is still 2008 I thought I better fit that one in real quick. I am the ultimate procrastinator...and pretty damn proud of it!! To help give me a leg up on the inevitable "I'm going to eat more fruits and veggies and exercise regularly and get 8 hours of sleep and drink 8 glasses of water and write more and read more and keep up with the dishes and the laundry more" routine of making a new year's list of resolutions (perhaps I should actually print out a master copy of my list (which has been unchanged since 1982) and simply change the date at the top of it) I went ahead and purchased a bag full of yoga pants and tank tops. (No, I don't do yoga...and No, I won't wear the tank without a zippered jacket over it)...but nothing spurs girls on than new clothes!

Having stayed up past midnight for two nights in a row I am curious to see if it can be done tonight...the night it is supposed to be done. We have plans to go over to the neighbor's house so at least we won't be going far. This means that a nap is in high order! Besides that the walk flat out wore me out!!!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Not All It's Cracked Up to Be

In less than 24 hours I have had my fill of chickens and

everything that comes out of them. With my son away hunting, the task of taking care of his stockshow chickens along with his "regular" chickens fell to moi. I don't know how I always get so lucky but I do. My son loves these chickens and works so dang hard each and every day making sure that they are provided for. He cleans their coop, their feed trays, and their water stations. He makes certain that the heat lamps are on in the event of a freeze and the fans are blowing when it gets too hot. Before he left he made sure that I knew what to do and what not to do...and when to do it.

Last night, after my daughter and I got home from a full day of shopping, the sky was starting to darken and the temperatures were dropping. I had a friend due to arrive in less than three minutes and my sister-in-law was just taking a pizza out of the oven. But, before I could dole out hugs and start to dine, I had to do the chicken dance. I went over to the "regular" coop, collected some "clean" eggs, (which means they do not have as much chicken poop on them as the ones due to hatch), scooped and poured some fresh feed, and refilled the water jug. Next it was off to the 'show' coop. This one was a little trickier. First I had to feed and water the culled chickens. Then I had to do the same with the show chickens. There is a lot of poop, water, mud, and climbing involved. Once that chore was completed I went into the kitchen and started putting some groceries away. I had bought a still-warm rotisserie chicken and quickly discovered that its juices were leaking all over my counter...greasy juices...the kind that don't really wipe up the first four times you try. These slimy liquids made their way to the kitchen floor as well...gave it a nice shine though so I went ahead and smeared it as far as it would go with the dish towel. When I tried to squeeze the chicken into the fridge I heard a sound I immediately recognized as a cracked egg. There, in the back, was the cracked remnants of a raw egg...bright yellow yolk slipping its way down the backside of the fridge, pooling on top of the glass shelves, and collecting in between the glass along the edges. After a few quiet moments to myself it was determined that since the egg was not rotten and since the temp in the fridge would remain cold the clean up could wait until my son got home.You see, he had picked up the habit of setting the eggs in the refridgerator instead of in an actual egg carton.

We went ahead with our girls' night plans and after an evening of homemade pizza, a movie that brought us to tears and wrapped us in laughter, and bowls of Blue Bell Coffee Ice Cream, caramel syrup, brownies, and whipped cream, we called it a night...a good night.

The next morning, when I went outside to repeat all of the above mentioned chicken checkin' duties, I was met with the drone of either flies or bees. The hum met me way before I was anywhere near the coop. I had visions of a massacre that had occurred while I slept the night away...Please God...NO...not on MY watch!!! Fortunately it was not flies hovering over chicken carcasses but, unfortunately, it was well over a hundred bees swarming inside the coop. There were bees in every feed tray, inside the water buckets, and completely covering the floor. All of the chickens were huddled in every corner foregoing food for safety. I was amazed that I did not get stung as I did my chores. That evening, my daughter and I were suppose to go into San Antonio to have dinner with my best friend and while were there I was going to return the infamous "polka dot" comforter. But I did not want to leave the chickens to get stung to death a mere week before the stockshow. I knew that I probably needed to build a fire and smoke out the bees but I wasn't exactly sure of the best way to do this. I could not get a hold of my husband or my son as their cell phones were not getting any kind of reception whatsoever down where they were hunting. Just before we left I was able to get a hold of my brother-in-law who immediately handed the phone to my son. He calmly reassured me that everything would be okay and that he would take care of it all in the morning when he returned. Phew!

Off we went to S.A., but not before stopping first at the gas station as my dash read "Empty!!"--go figure. Once we got to the store, my daughter and I lugged in both bed-in-a bags (I had bought one for her too--but it wasn't going to work either). While we were waiting in line I started digging in my little purse for the receipt that I had diligently saved. Prior to our trip into town I had decided to change purses (Big No-No). Even though I love little purses I am by nature a big bag lady (pun intended). I remember staring at, transferring, folding, and storing the receipt before leaving the house. Now that we are in line the damn paper is nowhere in sight. I leave my daughter in line and run out into the parking lot and begin to rummage through my trunk-hoping it may be in the larger bag I had brought along to keep all of the stuff that wouldn't fit into my smaller bag (I have issues). No receipt. As I jog back up to the store my mind starts reeling with images of us trying desperately to prove to the police that the two huge bed-in-a-bags are really ours-paid for and all. I grab my daughter and tell her to quickly follow me---do not ask questions just walk fast. We briskly passed between the two metal detector panels at the storefront without so much as looking up and into the eye of the security camera. With no electronic alarms sounding and no strong security guard's hand upon our shoulders we ran straight to our car, tossed the bags into the trunk and drove off to Salsalito's.

We sat through a quiet meal as everyone was exhausted but glad to see each other and, quite honestly, relieved to be able to accomplish the goal of getting together at least once over the holidays!

Late that night, once back at home, I was relieved that the bees had retired for the night and all of the chickens were still alive---and still eating! And although I still can't find that freaking reciept, this tired Mama is glad to be home...still alive...and still eating!

Life is Good

With the boys out of the house our home turned into an all girls' retreat last night. I was surrounded by my daughter, a friend, my sister-in-law, and my niece. I love being around women who love you back. After a day spent with my daughter at the movies, in the stores, and in a restaurant I ended up at my sister-in-law's house eating a delicious pizza she made just for us. After our meal we all walked over to my house--homemade brownies and Blue Bell's Coffee Ice Cream in tow. Our flashlights led the way as Snickers dashed in and out of our path. I threw down as many comforters as I could find and we all changed into our comfy-cozy pajamas and settled in to watch Mama Mia. After we had our fill of laughter and tears we headed to the kitchen and scooped balls of ice cream into our brownie-filled bowls and poured on the syrup...Life is Good!

Monday, December 29, 2008

While the Cat's Away the Mice Will Play

While some of us were nestled in our warm and cozy beds dreaming of far away places, others of us were jumping out of bed ready to face the day. My son is so excited to be able to go on a hunt down in South Texas with his dad, grandfather, uncle, and cousin, that he was dressed and ready to go by the time I stumbled out of bed. If I had not set an alarm he would have left without me ever knowing it....sons. I sat down at the kitchen table with him while he ate a bowl of cereal and I diligently took notes on what I needed to do to take care of his chickens in his absence. I loved seeing him eager and happy.

With all the guys out of the house for at least a day and a half-maybe two-My daughter and I will have some quiet time together. What to do? What to do? Later on this evening we have a girls' night planned at the house. We are going to watch Mama Mia and paint our nails. We might even pop some good old fashioned Jiffy Pop Popcorn. The fridge is stocked with mini Cokes and Sunny is good! There's a chance she and I may make our way into S.A. to do a little bumming around--just because we can. But until the stores open their doors, and while she's still asleep, I think I may just enjoy a quiet cup of coffee and watch the Today Show...celebrating the first day of my vacation that I got out of bed before 10:00!!!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Horsing Around

Thanks to an invite from a friend my kids and I were able to enjoy being outdoors atop Raider-a beautiful thoroughbred. Just being able to sit in the saddle listening to the give of the leather beneath you makes one believe she is capable. Knowing that you have got to love and respect an animal enough to surrender to it while at the same time trying to convince it that you are in charge can be quite humbling. The power beneath you combined with the power within you makes for both an exhilerating and contented day. Being able to watch your children-so small and fragile-straddle such a large animal and trot off into the sunset stirred nothing but pleasant feelings inside of me. I did not have any feelings of fear as I watched them learn to assert themselves. I did not feel dread when the pace quickened. Both my son and daughter have a deep love and respect for animals and I am grateful for the opportunity that they had today thanks to the invite of a friend.

Seasonings Greetings

This is as close to a Christmas card as you'll get from me. I hate to be such a hypocrite as I absolutely love it when I get Christmas cards in the mail...especially the photo cards. I enjoy seeing the faces of people I don't get to see otherwise. I love the pictures of families with kids-tracking their growth through the seasons. I love my family too and would really like to show them off...but that involves not only planning, but preplanning...something I simply do not do. I am much more likely to, on a whim, send out a photo card on, say, April 14th--for no other reason than it was either a good hair day, or all the stars were aligned and our clothes were washed.

I am quite fearful as to what my "traditions" will be when I am the grandma. Right now I am lobbying for a silver airstream trailer with a swivel-hipped hula girl on the dash. I'll get me a computer with a skype cam and send my kids/grandkids on something like "The Amazing Race" with getting to see me if they can find me as the grand prize.

For now, though, I am simply grateful for turtle-paced days and empty agendas. I don't know the headlines of the day nor the forecasts for tomorrow. I eat when I'm hungry, sleep when I'm tired, and read when I want to. I am spending time with time itself and we are quite compatible. It's as if I feel the need to roll around in and absorb myself with all 24 hours of each day. I want to build up a reservoir of time so that when I have not a minute to spare I can reach deep down into my time bank. Of course, it does not really work that way, and, sadly, I know that. Nevertheless I try every day to do as much and as little as possible in an effort to utilize and stretch the gift of time I have received this holiday season.

Little Toes

Little toes
Dangling from the legs of a little boy
Swinging to and fro
Not quite able to reach the ground
Needing someone to push him
Soon these legs will grow
Feet will touch and no one will be needed

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Bag It

I snuck out of the house today at noon. I locked myself into my car and drove off with the sunroof open and the radio on. I called my kids to let them know that I was on my way into San Antonio once I knew I was a safe distance away--the point of no return. I really did not know what I was going to do, where I was going to go, or when I would return. I did know that I simply wanted to be alone and I wanted to amble at leisure. I thought briefly about taking in a movie but decided against it since there was not anything I was eager to see. I ended up in the bedding department at TJ Max. My son sleeps in a twin bed with our old king sized comforter draped over it. Since there were some good after Christmas sales going on I decided to get him a proper bed in a bag. I found one that I liked...very cozy and warm. It had "circles" of tan, beige, and chocolate brown all over it. I had a slight hesitation about buying it since I didn't really shop around--knew better than to buy it just to buy it. But, in the end, I figured what the beats the way-too-big comforter he uses now.

I was actually a little giddy at the prospect of surprising him with a new bedspread--especially since he has finally finished cleaning out his room (this has been a HUGE that has taken up nearly every weekend in November and December!). While he was outside I made his bed and set his pillow atop it all just so. Later, when I heard him enter the house I came out of my room smiling and followed him to his room...anxious to witness his surprise and excitement.
"Get that thing off my bed!" were his first words.
"But, feel it ... it's soooo soft," I tried.
"Yeah, it is soft...but I don't want it in my room."
After that mother-son bonding moment I started to see that the "circles" did look a lot more like polka dots ... especially in the eyes of a thirteen year old boy...a boy that was covered in camo from head to toe...with a pellet gun slung across his body...and dirt everywhere the camo was not.
So his room is not Pottery Barn perfect...
So I'm not Martha Stewart...
So what...

Oh The Weather Outside

What a gorgeous day we had yesterday---the temps were in the upper 70s!! It's days like these that have me seriously contemplating running away to the equator to live out the rest of my days! When I was much younger and oh so much dumber I thought it all wrong to spend Christmas on the beach??!!! WHAT were "those people" thinking?! NOW I know! Even though the weather was delightful I managed to stay inside nestled in the crook of my chair-then my bed-then my couch-reading the day was glorious!!! My family played outside, and for that I am extremely grateful...for their sake as well as my sanity!! At one point in the afternoon all of the boys loaded up in the jeep and drove down to the creek. The younger boys went swimming! The day after Christmas!! My kids had a great day as their cousins had their cousins over from out of town so there were plenty of kids around! At one point I made myself get OUT so I grabbed my book, a Coke, and sat out on the porch with Roo and Snickers. I was so glad that I did because everytime I sit in nature I become so inspired. The air was crisp and the breeze was pleasant. It was as if all was well in the world. As I type these words the sky is turning a dark, steely, grey and the wind is picking up. Days like these are welcome too because they force my home into cozy mode; candles burning, lights twinkling, hot tea brewing. (Okay...before I finished that last sentence it became seriously dark and blustery....maybe we'll get a genuine storm soon!).

Friday, December 26, 2008

Coming Down

After all the hype and excitement; the stress and the tension; the anticipation and the's time to lay around and just be. I refuse to let it all end just because the calendar reads "26th." Tomorrow I'll get back in the groove...tomorrow I'll really get started on all of those reorganizing tasks I said I'd do "when I'm off"...tomorrow I'll start making plans to make plans.
TODAY, however, I am going to stay in my pajamas, watch the Mama Mia DVD my daughter gave to me, and eat a bowl of Blue Bell Ice Cream. TODAY I'm going to relish in the fact that I am not "out there" waiting in long lines to exchange unwanted gifts...or staring at the brake lights of the long lines of cars in front of me.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

...And To All A Goodnight!

There are only thirty minutes left and then Christmas will officially be over. I have been sleepy since 3:15 this afternoon. Now that we are back home I am fighting sleep so as to take it all in...the sense that something special took place here early this morning. The feeling that the wait was worth it. The cluttered home that can only be defined as "a good mess." Both of my kids are tucked into their beds-each content. My daughter has on just about every article of clothing received while my son is reading through a book on the history of Texas A&M that I gave him. There is nothing like falling asleep with a smile on your face and happiness in your heart. For me, I have both for I have witnessed these things while in the presence of my kids.

Merry Christmas!

Now that it is a little past noon I'm ready for a nap! Christmas morning came about 6:00 a.m. ... a mere 6 hours after my eyes shut for the night. And while I crave sleep and detest being roused from my slumber I do give exception to such a morning as this. My daughter was the first to pounce on my side of the bed insisting that "It's Time!"

Now that the kids are a little bit older I'm never really sure what to expect. Are they going to sleep until 9:00? Are they going to set their alarms for 4:00 a.m.?

It's fun to see and hear them still as excited as when they were 5 and 6 years old. This year the number of gifts beneath the tree was significantly less than previous years, but the total cost has remained the same. The items on their lists involved items such as ipods and video cameras. I justified such purchases by preparing the answers to the interview questions I was sure to be asked once my son became the next Steven Spielberg and my daughter the next Taylor Swift!

After the floor was littered with crinkled wrapping paper and opened boxes we all set to work reading our instruction manuals. I soon found myself being videotaped in all my bed-head/no-makeup morning rants forever captured and contained within an 8 gig memory card. We played the game of LIFE for 2 hours and we downloaded our favorite songs. We reluctantly got out of our new, cozy, pajamas, and prepared for Round 3...last night was spent at my parents' house-this morning at our house-today will be spent at my husband's parents'. The kids are happy...and so am I!

Merry Christmas to All!!!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

It's Chrismtas Eve...finally! It's time to relax and be with family. It's too late to do anything else except wait so you might as well enjoy it! Even now my tummy is fluttering at the very thought of going to my Mom and Dad's---this is when I revert to the expectant child...and I LOVE it!!! It's so fun to be all things wrapped up in one: a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a wife, a mother...I get to be right there in the middle of it all and yet I have the benefit of being able to step away and view it all from a distance. The smiles on my parents' faces as they enjoy their role as grandparents; nothing makes them happier than making their children and grandchildren smile. Getting to see and hear shouts of elation as my kids receive the good stuff...just what they wanted all wrapped up in the love of the givers.

There will be food and there will be games; there will be laughter and picture taking sessions. There will be anticipation and there will be relaxation. The magic of Christmas is sprinkling down on us all...may it fall on you.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

My Gifts

I was given two gifts of love
Sent to me from heaven above
One a daughter
The other a son
Two separate lives
Three hearts as one
From infants to toddlers
From preschool to teen
These children I've watched
Their lives I have seen
Soon they will be
Gifts to another
But forever I'll always
Be their mother

My Gifts

I was given two gifts of love
Sent to me from heaven above
One a daughter
The other a son
Two separate lives
Three hearts as one
From infants to toddlers
From preschool to teen
These children I've watched
Their lives I have seen
Soon they will be
Gifts to another
But forever I'll always
Be their mother

How Lovely Are Your Branches!

Look closely and you'll see Snickers, our cat, nestled inside our Christmas tree! This reminds me of the scene in E.T. when E.T. is hiding amongst all of the other stuffed animals in Gertie's closet!

Monday, December 22, 2008

All I Want For Christmas

Why is it that when things are at their busiest time often stands still? By that I mean we, as a family, despite all of the unfinished tasks, were able to stop for a while and watch A Christmas Story. A couple of days ago my husband and the kids presented me with an early Christmas present: the DVD of A Christmas Story. We watched this classic last year and laughed all throughout. This year was no exception, and as the kids get older and older they really seem to “get it"…from every angle.

I am always touched by the ending when it is evident that one of the true magical moments of Christmas morning is seeing your children receive something that they really wanted more than anything else. That moment in time has to be one of the great rewards of parenting. Christmas morning memories stay with you no matter how old you get. It seems that we can all remember the sheer joy we felt when our wishes were granted.

I can remember bountiful Christmases and I can remember slim Christmases. Both kinds brought me happiness. The love was there beneath the tree in both cases. As I prepare for our Christmas morning magic I can’t help but to return to my childhood and want nothing more than for my kids to have that happy feeling burn within. I pray that they know they are loved unconditionally and that out of love they are not given every single thing that they want. I hope that their Christmas morning memories will travel with them wherever they go, and I can’t wait for them to each smile when they unwrap the very thing that they wanted more than anything else.

That's A Wrap!

I've made hot chocolate with marshmallows; I've maintained traditions such as "Secret Angels" (this is something we do every year: the week before Christmas we each draw names and for the next week we have to secretly do nice things for the person we drew. The big reveal is on Christmas Eve. This has everyone thinking about someone other than themselves and it keeps us all guessing who our secret angel is); I've wrapped gifts (first year to do so with a cat in the house...not so easy). We've played Yahtzee; we've watched James Bond marathons; we've stayed in our pajamas for 48 hours straight. Now all there is to do is last for one more day and then it will be the day before Christmas: Christmas Eve. The buildup and the anticipation are matter whether you are the child or the adult. I am very fortunate that I still get to be both.

Heart Matters

Upon leaving the funeral home after attending a visitation for one of my parents’ friends, my dad, mom, and I were talking on the way to our vehicles. Dad made the comment, “Man! There sure were a lot of old people in there!” He seemed to have an added bounce in his step and a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. I detect a sense of giddiness whenever I am around him. I can actually feel his genuine joy at simply being alive.
This Christmas will be the second one I will have been blessed to spend with my dad since his devastating heart attack in 2007. Just the other day--the day of the visitation as a matter of fact--my dad went in for his 6 month check up. He told me that his doctor remarked that he just can’t understand my dad. He said that every time he looks at my dad’s heart it is so damaged and dead that he simply cannot believe that my dad is here…that he is alive. And not only that, but my dad looks fantastic! Dr. Art, as my dad calls him, said that Dad’s heart is comparable to driving down the highway with all of these shiny, fast, new luxury cars speeding ahead…and there, in the distance, is this smoking and shaking rusted out old jalopy—sputtering hard to try to keep up.
This got me thinking that it is not so much about his heart condition as it is about the condition of his heart. His heart is and always has been in the right place. His heart is so filled with love … and love conquers all…faith, hope, and love…the greatest of these is love….that’s my dad.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

A Day of Rest

Today is Sunday-A Day of Rest-and so I did...until NOON!!! Finally, I feel somewhat caught up on my least for now. The past week had been a tough one for me. Between stomach bugs and children bugs--late nights and sad nights--the bags beneath my eyes were beginning to look like they were packed to leave the country. The irritability scale had been topped and my steam had all but run out. But today, ah today...I feel great. But I don't think it has so much to do with the rest I received as much as it has to do with the knowlege that I do not have to report to duty tomorrow...or the next day...or the next...

While I still harbor the guilt for not taking my family to church on this Sunday before Christmas, I am grateful for the time at home. Yes, there is still cleaning that has to be done, but it is not magnified and it is manageable. The if it doesn't get done I'll do it tomorrow mentality always helps! The countdown is on and the anticipation is starting to build. The Wizard of Oz was watched last night and the presents will be wrapped today. The wind is blowing and the heaters are on. The kids are cleaning their rooms and the pets are frisky. We are on vacation and Christmas is coming!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Mule-Tide Greetings

Are you feeling a little stubborn lately? Have you just wanted to buck the system? Does it seem to you that this entire rush-rush-buy-buy world we live in has created gift mongers of us all? When the big day finally arrives will you find yourself merely exchanging gift cards between relatives? Would it be so wrong or bad of us if we merely made construction paper cards with heartfelt expressions written on them? I ran into too many people buying out of pressure and guilt only to greet me with a curt, "I'll be so glad when Christmas is over!" Between that and the "Happy Holidays" the sales people have obviously been instructed to dole out even when I insisted they have a Merry CHRISTMAS, even I am feeling like I am in a race to simply survive until December 26th.

STOP! The holidays should be about family and memories. Yes, if I had not waited until 4 days until Christmas maybe I wouldn't be feeling the crunch like I am. I know all of that...but the thing is sometimes kids CHANGE THEIR MIND as it gets closer and closer to Christmas. Sometimes it is hard to shop ALONE. Sometimes the routine of work/motherhood sucks the very lifeblood from you allowing you only weekend trips to the store...if you do not have any other commitments...or your kids don't...or you're not EXHAUSTED.

Every year it's the same...I swear like a hungover college student that I will NEVER DO THAT AGAIN..."that" being "wait until the week before Christmas to do my shopping." Every year I scramble...but, somehow, it all gets done. As my kids get older and older it has gotten easier and easier. I thought it was hard being's even harder being Mom.

I See The Moon-The Moon Sees Me

I snapped this picture of the moon at dawn just before getting in my car to go to work last week. I wish you could have seen the way its glow blanketed everything beneath it. In that brief moment before the sun took over I stopped rushing and just kept taking pictures as I walked from my house to the barn. The picture does not do it justice but I wanted to post it nevertheless.

I have always been in love with the moon. Everytime that I see that beautiful orb I am touched. How I wish I could have stood staring toward the sky until the moon slipped out of view, but, alas, I had to put the pedal to the metal. Now that I am able to slow the pace down a little I hope to grab a few more shots that would have otherwise been missed.

Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I am a woman and thus closely connected with the moon and her cycles. I have a high tide and a low tide of emotions that course through me. I have been a sliver and I have been full. I have been blue. I am getting ready to be new again.

I'm Looking Forward...but My View is Still the Same

It seems that no matter how many mantras I chant or how many self-help books I devour some things in my life never change. I know that I am suppose to "focus on the good" and "leave the past in the past" but even when I do I am always behind. I am behind in my chores. I am behind in my sleep. I am behind slow drivers. I am behind in my mind. As the days in 2008 dwindle down I can't help but to think back on my wishful thinking a year ago. Some of the things that I told myself did, in fact, come to fruition...though not as throroughly as I had intended. Then again, I ran out of steam by the time February 1st came around. This has a lot to do with my passenger seat in life. This time, when the calendar declares it 2009, I will just take a deep breath and continue the task of living my life. While I may not always enjoy the view that presents itself to me I can still change where I am sitting. I think the driver's seat is looking pretty good.

Friday, December 19, 2008

5 Golden Rings...

On the first day of Christmas vacation
I simply gave to me
The opportunity to visit with friends.
Tonight I am going down the road to a neighbor's home to spend some time with some dear friends who have been living out of the country. They are in town en route to visit their family for the holidays so a party is in order. Several people whom I enjoy being around will be there and I am looking forward to kicking off the start of my Christmas vacation in this manner.
In the photo above the inscription on my ring reads: "Live Each Day To The Fullest" and that is what I am trying to do. However, my idea of "fullest" is often quite different from what many would expect. Dare devil I am not, but I do enjoy witnessing a miracle. My notion of a full life involves opening my eyes to see the beauty in the world around me. I love capturing moments throughout the day and if humor is a part of it I'm all for that to. I like to keep God in the forefront of my thoughts as I think through and plan my next step. I believe in family and friendships. I honor stillness and welcome silence. I have learned that the salt in my tears reminds me that I am made of something more than just water--that I am a substantial person. I am a happy soul who believes in smiling. I care not whether my rings are made from the finest gold in the land or whether they will turn black in the morning...I simply cherish them for the memory attached.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Get Out of Jail Free!

There is a sort of double-edged swordness to "getting" to stay home from work...especially if you are a Mom. You get to stay home-but you have to clean up after a person with a stomach bug. I feel bad that my daughter feels bad, but I can't help but to feel giddy that we get to stay home. Add to that the fact that since we came home early yesterday I was able to clean up most of our messes then. Top that with the fact that neither of has an appetite so no meals had to be prepared! I mean, can you just imagine?! Being home and just being?! Well...neither can I --that is why I took this opportunity to sweep and mop out the kids' bathroom, wash every sheet, comforter, and pillowcase in the house (whether it belonged to a sickee's bed or not), and started entertaining thoughts of organizing kitchen drawers (remember...I'm a little food deprived here...obviously not in my right mind). Truth be told I actually feel fantastic today--yay!!! Finally!!!

Before I knew that I would be staying home today I woke up a little after 5:00 a.m., got dressed and ready for the day...I should have known something was up because I looked rested despite a tear-filled night. Both my makeup and my hair "worked" for me this morning...I mean, really, when does that ever happen, right?! Sure enough...when I went in to wake Hailey she felt warm and was running a low grade fever. That was all that I needed to make the call and set in to motion the plans for the rest of the day. I took Josh to school and then went by my school to put out a couple of fires and then it was off to Walmart and the gas station. I had to purchase the necessary stay-at-home-with-a-sick-daughter items...things such as nail strengthener, 3 new bottles of fingernail polish, and a Sprite. Remember's not how you's how you look!

So now, I have a mere 2 hours left before I have to get Josh. The clock's ticks are getting incessantly louder; they are moving way too fast. Just like in the game of Monopoly, my "Get Out of Jail Free" card can only last so long and then it is time to give it up and return to my cell. I enjoyed it while I had it in my possession. I made the most out of the time I was given. Tomorrow is uncertain for me but I do know that should I "get to" return to work it is but for half a day. In a sense I will be "Just Visiting;" still in the corner on the gameboard of life with all of the world's opportunities on either side of me.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I Am A Dirty Girl

Since I had to leave work early today (because my daughter got sick at school) and since tonight Jmy son has his weekly Confirmation classes from 6:00-8:00, the task of tending to the 4-H show chickens fell to me. Nevermind the fact that the last solid meal that I ate was on Saturday evening (that's 4 days ago for those counting) and I've gulped down over 130 oz of doesn't matter that I feel weak and's no excuse that I had to pull over on the side of the road on the way home to help my daughter barf into a plastic grocery bag...a farm never sleeps. So, after I got my daughter tucked into her bed, and after I got the car unloaded and the toxic bag tossed well over a cliff-I set out to help my son out.

I had received explicit instructions via cell phone and I vowed to follow them to the best of my abilities. Before I walked down to the barn to gather the eggs and refresh the water in the regular chicken coop I first changed into my black velour robe that my mother had given me as a gift one year. It is one of my favorite things to put on after I take everything off. I stepped into my comfy pink Crocs and went to work. Since it was misting and foggy outside it immediately became apparent that I would not be wearing my comfy shoes back inside the house...not after mushing down upon fresh coop poop.

Next stop: the show chicken coop. Here is where it got dirty. I kept having to maneuver my way over a four foot piece of tin that makes up one of the walls keeping the chicks contained. Since I was wearing a robe this was starting to become a challenge. After I stepped on the end of my black robe with a gooey shoe I gave in and simply started wiping my mucky hands all over me. That's when I noticed that one of the chicks had died and was being trampled on repeatedly as the others made their way to one of the feeders. So here I am, feeling barfy as it is, gathering up a dead chick inside a plastic grocery bag and walking it out to the dried up caliche pit/pond where a burn pile is my velour robe and my pink Crocs. I kept looking around for the hidden camera but still have yet to find it.

After emptying all of the feeders and rinsing out each water feeder I refilled them all according to my directions. I stomped off toward the house, kicked off the Crocs, stripped down to my necklace, took a hot shower, and disenfected the kids' bathroom.

Don't Have Time for Laundry? Maybe You Just Need to Change Perfume!

Ever the bargain hunter, I have stumbled upon a steal of a deal when it comes to a new scent for the winter. Just this morning, in fact, I sprayed myself silly with the hopes of smelling good to all who came near me. Unlike the competing perfumes which can run $50+a bottle (and a tiny bottle at that), this scent comes in 27.0 fl.oz….all for the incredibly low price of less than $6.00 a bottle! The name of this fresh-smelling scent is febreze...doesn't it just sound clean?! I no longer have to count the number of sprays I administer...why, just this morning, when trying to revive a pair of wollen tights-that had every reason to be thrown away-- I just sprayed away...whallah! Instant-Presto!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

My Kids' Hamper Threw Up!

This, my friends, is what happens when The Mama
gets tired of being The Mama...or...just plain tired.
This is also what happens when The Mama forces her
kids to clean their rooms.
This is what happens when the humans are away---all day...thus the pile up.

To Be or Not To Be...

As luck would have it (my luck at least) there was never really any precipitation last night therefore no need to cancel school. Even so I turned on the TV early this morning before I did anything else- just in case. There wasn’t even so much as a ticker dragging itself across the bottom of the screen. I wore a sweat suit to work anyway.

Just the other night it snowed and caught everyone off guard. The poor weather people didn’t even have a chance to preempt all of the favorite television shows. The news stations did not have the chance to come up with a dire warning slogan such as “THE GREAT POLAR BLAST OF ’08!” And so, instead, I learned that many people simply enjoyed the moment…the surprise…the gift.

Not willing to let that stop them a mere 6 nights later the weather stations were quick to issue a “Winter Weather Advisory” for our area. This got everyone, including me, to go ahead and grab that extra gallon of milk after work and build a roaring fire. This also got my hopes up with the mere thought of, if nothing else, a two hour delay come morning. Turns out the only delay was the icy conditions.

All of our high tech devises and ability to forecast are really nice to have, and, granted, have saved many lives, but there is something to be said about the joy of a few pleasant surprises in life.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Weather or Not

I left work clutching our employee phone tree. A winter weather advisory has been placed over our area and there is the ever so slight possibility that the roads may be too icy for least for a couple of hours in the morning. It is times like these when I honestly don't know who is filled with more anticipation: the students or the teachers. Sure, in the end, we'll have to make up the day...but for the moment at least the mere thought of an hour or two gained sounds delightful.

It was already 35 degrees by the time I got home and it was only getting colder. I started the first fire of the season and am so grateful to have a fireplace in our home. Since I'm still not feeling all that great I sat sideways in a chair and watched an hour long show...can't tell you the last time I did that--so what if I had not seen the previous episodes--at least I saw the season finale (for was the finale--go figure!).

Since there is a good chance that our pipes will freeze I made sure to wash dishes earlier and will make certain my face is washed before I go to bed. Usually I prepare my coffee ahead of time but I'm still not able to eat anything substantial and don't feel like coffee yet (probably why I have such a pounding headache!).

I will have to wait until morning to see what my day has in store for me...until then I'm snuggling up with my electric blanket and my Advil!

All Better

I had a good time at the Christmas party last night but am now starting to wonder if the chicken piccatta that I had last night hates my guts…because in the middle of the night my guts started hating it!

As a result I spent the entire Sunday in bed (when I wasn’t racing to the bathroom)forcing myself to drink liquids and eat dry toast. My neck and back muscles are starting to scream at me and the inside of my head feels like it is trying its darndest to get out. I did not get much, if any, sleep last night but still find it hard to drift off as my stomach will not stop gurgling.

The bright side of this unexpected turn of events is the 8 pounds I lost. They say the body is 70% water and I was always a little suspicious of that statistic…no more!

Even though I try to express gratitude for my good health I am always humbled when I have to hug the bowl. Oh it feels good to feel good!


What is it with mothers and sickness? We can’t even barf full throttle…we have to push it down while we attach the scrubber end to the toilet cleaning wand and clean away. We have to break out into a cold and clammy sweat as we wipe down the tank, the seat, the lid..hey, may as well clean the base while we’re at it…then, and only then, can we barf our way to recovery.

I had been meaning to clean our toilet…honestly. But, for some odd reason, the thought of cleaning splatters that-let’s face it-don’t even belong to me, never crossed my mind-except first thing every morning when I have no time to spare and the last thing at night when I have no spare time.

As I am sitting there-contemplating-I make sure I save the wrapper from the scrubber so that when I feel better I can add it to my list of things to buy. Instead of rubbing my stomach or moaning in pain I focus on the hairballs that are nesting on the bath mat. I notice that the dust on the baseboards can no longer be classified as dust because when I swipe at it with my big toe nothing happens. I start thinking about all of the ramifications to follow if I really am truly sick. Please say it isn’t so!

It’s so---and so I quarantined myself in my room where I had a view of all of the neglected piles of clothes and stuff I have been meaning to put away. How ironic that I only have time to get to all of my undones when I am debilitated. But, come 6:00 p.m. the piles have been reduced and it is becoming more and more apparent that I may have to call in sick. This, as liberating as it may sound, is not all it’s cracked up to be. For starters I have to get online to utilize our subfinder system. Well, actually I should call and prearrange a substitute and then type in my request. Then I need to let my sub know all of the instructions and directions for the day, etc…that is, if she is even available.
As luck would have it Mondays are my light days at work and I can usually get so much accomplished. Oh well.

Next there is the issue of getting the kids to school and picking them up again. Since we live out of town this is not as simple as it may sound.

As the evening approaches I make sure the kids have done any homework that they may have forgotten they had. I make sure we, as a family, spend some time together for our Advent devotions. I make sure the dog and cat spend some time outdoors, and I wish my head weren’t pounding so I could use this time to read.

As I type this my daughter walks in and declares that, “Mom! You look beautiful like that! Don’t move! I gotta get the camera!” Great…another picture to immortalize me as I truly was.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Just In Case

Tonight I will be attending my faculty Christmas party. An entire restaurant has been reserved for us. A live jazz band will be playing and gifts will be exchanged. I am actually looking forward to it. Or maybe I am simply looking forward to having the opportunity to dress up and go out.

This, of course, leads to the infamous question of “What to wear?” I know many people will spend the day shopping for just the right outfit to wear. I, on the other hand, will do what I have always done—make do. Truth be told I actually bought a fun little black dress with white satin straps and a rhinestone centerpiece. I bought it on a blowout sale for a price that screamed, “You’d be stupid if didn’t snatch this baby up!” Well, I’m no dummy and I have had that bargain of a dress hanging in its plastic bag home for 4 months now. I bought it not only because it was a steal, but I thought it wise to be prepared in the event that I actually had to be somewhere worthy of cocktail dress attire…a kind of Girl Scout mentality if you will.
Tonight’s party actually called for just such a dress so off I went to my closet-a mere 3 hours before the party-to try it on for the first time since I bought it. Now, I must alert you to the fact that a lot has transpired in the past four months. Things such as weight gain and neglect. The dress fit in a maternity sort of way…not exactly the look I was going for. It looks best when worn with sparkly and strappy heels, but that would mean “showing off” my verygross veins…and when worn with boots it morphs into something a little more “appropriate” for an activity like street walking.

Since the clock was ticking I reached for my backup outfit…another little number I grabbed off the rack in a mad dash to the checkout line because I had to rush to pick up one child or another. This outfit poses quite the risk as it is white. White is great for a-people who do not have kids, and b-people who do not work in an elementary school, and for c-people who do not live at the end of a dirt road. I bought it anyway because, you guessed it, it was on sale. The pants only drag the ground by 3 inches but I did not let that prevent me from claiming them as my own.

Now that it was down to crunch time I ripped open the packet of 'Stitch Witchery' that I had purchased several years ago (just in case & after another rash purchase of extra long but oh so cheap pants). After a phone call to Mom and a frantic search for something that would do as a "pressing cloth," I set to work. I dampened my daughter's old Hello Kitty pillowcase, cut strips of stitch witchery cloth, and pressed away. Believe me, if I could've found my hot glue gun I'd have used that as well. My prayer is that the makeshift hem lasts through the night...but, the scout in me will, nonetheless, pack some socks, tennis shoes, and a stapler in the trunk...just in case!

Friday, December 12, 2008

WEAKend Plans

It's the weekend--I want so badly to stay up late and do all of the things that have been left undone all week long.
It's the weekend--I want so badly to go to bed early and catch up on all of the sleep that's been lost all week long.
It's the weekend...the weakend--There's no steam left in this engine...and yet there is so much still to do.
Tomorrow alone I have a baby shower and a faculty Christmas party to attend. Word has it that I was also invited to a bachelorette party tomorrow as well-though in the rush of the week the invite was never directly received.
I have clothes to wash and dishes to scrape...books to read and words to dictate. I have sweeping and vacuuming and mopping to do. I want to visit with friends-I want to Christmas shop. I want to do it all and at the same time I want nothing to do.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Miss Communication

My mother and I are very close. We know what the other is thinking and we can speak without saying a word...and that is quickly becoming a good thing considering the fact that we have been having to hurdle many a barrier just to finish a complete thought.

Mom and I love to talk on the phone...always have. As a matter of fact my mother does so for a living as the receptionist at a High School. Considering the fact that the phone lines are constantly blinking she and I can't really talk talk during working hours. We can't really talk before or after work as there is a new rule in place stating that people can no longer be on cell phones while in school zones. Our home phone situation is not much better as I don't get decent cell phone service in my neck of the woods and my land line buzzes due to the frayed wires (a direct result of having hungry chickens in the yard).

This has us speaking in broken sentences at record speed. We see each other on Sundays but that is during church (where you can't talk!). We see each other a couple of times during the week but we're always in a race against time to get the kids from one event to the next. When we finally have a quiet, uninterrupted moment together we are at a loss for words. We simply rely on body language to express our thoughts. We just slump into the couch, glance at each other and dip and tilt our heads toward one another. This, in itself speaks volumes.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Weird Weather Friends

Earlier I wrote about how unseasonably warm it has been and then-WHAM!-it starts to snow on the very day the temperatures were in the low to mid 70's! The wind was whirring and the flurries were had me grinning from ear to ear as if this were the best moment in my life...and in some ways I guess you could say that it was. I have decided that best moments can happen anytime and every day. I have decided not to let the fear of lack of sleep or the worries of unfinished tasks deprive me of my today.

This afternoon I enjoyed an impromtu visit with a friend. We shared stories and merlot. We laughed and we ate. And then it snowed. I choose to see this unpredicted visit of majestic snowflakes as a symbol of all that is creative. I choose to embrace the wonder of new friendships that feel like old friends. I believe that when things fall into place the way they are meant to we are blessed by the one of a kind moments that take our breath away.

Monday, December 8, 2008

'Tis the Seasons

Some of the leaves seemed a little unsure of when to start changing. The temperatures were not what they usually were and the rains never ever came. But, despite uncertainty, and in spite of barriers the leaves did what they were designed to do. Their beautiful rust, red, yellow, and orange hues gave me my own personal mural from God; one that I took great pleasure in viewing every morning when I left for work and every evening when I returned. The top left picture is the view from my back yard. I am so fortunate to get to witness the changing of the seasons by just looking around me. I find miracles of nature to be extremely healing. It is almost as if I am constantly being reminded that I am not alone...that God is all around...if only we'll just open our eyes to see.

Sometimes I resist change--especially when things don't go the way they are "supposed to" or the way that I think they should. But, in the end, I do what I am designed to do. Sometimes I am beautiful and healthy...other times I am brittle and dry left clinging to anything that will keep me up...and then I fall. But as I do I am changed. As I rest from my fall---balled up in hibernation---I start to realize why and how I got where I am. And, when my winter is over, I continue to grow and learn and become all over again.

Baby It's Cold?? Outside

My family has spent more time outdoors in shorts and bare feet this past fall than any other year past. As November merged its way into December we took jeep rides down to the creek and caught tiny frogs and raced boats my son had made out of aluminum foil. We marveled at leaf cutter ants as they hauled their mighty load to and fro. We watched movies outside and spied falling stars and witnessed the brightness of other planets. One night we even saw the space station orbit above our heads.
In just a few short days “winter” will officially be here and we just might be forced to put on a pair of socks. While I cleared all of my candles out of the fireplace weeks ago our grate stands empty. Now I don’t want to mislead you into thinking that I am desperate for a roaring blaze. I am a much bigger fan of sweat than I am of chills. But even I can appreciate the warmth that the winter brings. There is something about winter that makes me enjoy my family and the closeness we all share when forced to stay close by. I have a strong feeling that this winter will sneak in and then never leave. I think that I will quickly be longing for the opportunity to dip my toes into the cool and refreshing water of the creek. But, until that day I am determined to appreciate each day that I get to experience God’s plan for our weather.
Take this morning for example: I curled my hair unaware that it was going to be a humid and muggy and unseasonably warm day by December standards. My curls began to unfurl by the time I stepped out of my bathroom and were a mere memory by the time I pulled into the school’s parking lot. Oh well…that’s what ponytails are for.
While I prefer summer to winter I must say that I thoroughly enjoy the notion of covering myself from head to toe. So, despite the heat wave we experienced today, I still wore tights, boots, a scarf and a leather jacket. The beads of sweat helped to give me that glistening glow that is so “in” these days.
Whether it‘s winter and you’re craving the lake or it’s summer and you can’t wait for hot chocolate…just remember that even though the calendar says “December” you still may want to keep those legs shaved and those toes painted just in case you have to wear your flip flops and shorts on Christmas morning.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Size Matters

At the rate I am going I should open up my closet to the public and start selling my clothes. I have enough clothes in enough sizes to make a profit. Petite? No problem...why don't you try on some of my size 2 jeans and my Xsmall shirts? Small, but tall? Not a problem! Why don't you try on some of my size 4 pants? How about the small, tight-fitting shirt? Feeling bloated? Check out my size 6 quasi-blue jean/ can cuff 'em and wear with boots...coupled with the belly-hiding jacket. Past bloated and onto 'face the music-you've put on weight'? Why don't you go for my size 10 skirts? These will make you forget all about your inability to suck it in. Slip on the Large blouse and you'll be styling in your new 'bohemian' for me!

So now I have a closet full of nothing to wear and I have it in every size. I can't get rid of the small sizes because those are the cute clothes (nevermind the fact that not only do they not fit but they look as if they never ever could have ever fit me and will never ever ever fit me least not in the same way). I don't want to keep the larger sizes because ... well...because they're large. I don't know why I have so many different items because I really only wear my pajamas, my velour sweat suits, and my two black mix and match combos. I feel safer in winter because I stay bundled up (which is quite the challenge these days as the weather is nowhere near the "wear fleece" end of the themometer).

I'm starting to "listen to my body" --not because all of the magazines tell me to--but because I can actually hear it. It moans and groans every time I have to get up...or get down. It creaks if I bend and it flaps if I run. Basically it is screaming at me to get active and get back in shape. And so, I come before you today, declaring that I will actively attempt to get into shape...I just can't decide which shape that is.

Calling a Spate a Spade

Upon first glance you see two beautiful Kate Spade animal print purses...but, after a careful, second glance you'll notice that only one of them is the real deal. The other purse is actually a Kade Spate purse. Perhaps that is why I was able to purchase it at a thrift store for $1.50. Truth be told I thought I had just made out like a bandit. I handed over my dollar and two quarters and snatched my overlooked treasure out of the sales clerk's hand as quickly as I could and practically ran out the door and into my car--locking the doors for good measure. It wasn't until almost a year and a half later that my eyes noticed what my dyslexic mind had missed.

Another year later found me on the receiving end of my younger sister's cleaning frenzy. As I dug through the black Hefty trash bag I squealed with delight at the Ralph Lauren tote bag and the Nike back pack. I giggled with glee upon spying the brown leather Kenneth Cole belt and the aqua blue Gap shirt. And there, lying at the bottom of the trash bag was the animal print Kate Spade purse. I read the label over and over--I could not believe it: the t and the d were in the correct places! See--it's true: good things come to those who wait...or at least to those who are too cheap to buy name brands!


Our lives are so fast paced even though I strongly believe in being still. Despite my attempts to stop and smell the roses I find it harder and harder to catch a whiff. With the season of Advent upon us my family enjoys the tradition of lighting the Advent candles every day until Christmas. This is a time for all of us to stop what we are doing and focus on why we celebrate Christmas.

I can still remember lighting the candles and listening to the daily lessons with my mother and sister when I was the age my kids are now. I felt a strong sense of responsibility to pass this tradition along to my kids. And so I have. We look forward to it each year although I think the kids mostly enjoy snuffing out the candles and watching the smoke twist and turn upwards into the air. But, in the end, I know that as they grow into adults some part of this ritual will resonate with them and it will hopefully conjure up a nice memory.

Yes, Christmas is coming, and it seems to get here whether we are ever ready for it or not. During this incredibly busy time of year I am finding it harder and harder to fit this ceremony into our cram packed schedule. We have tried doing it in the evenings--home too late. We have tried doing it in the mornings--always running late. What to do-what to do? This year we held a record streak of two days in a row and then neglected the next five days. With today being Sunday, the day we add the lighting of the second candle, I have vowed to make certain this takes place. I have had to give up the daily guilt and just let go. I will try to at least gather around the table on Sundays if no other day.

The Advent wreath sits in the center of our table as a reminder that there is light even when times are dark; that there is hope even we may not feel it; that there is love even when we don't ask for it; and that there is a promise of good to come. As long as we hold fast to what we believe in we can stay connected to each other and to the true meaning of Christmas...despite the world trying to snuff out our light!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Country Christmases---More Fun Than A Barrel of Santas

When I walked outside at 6:15 (way too early by Saturday standards) in my fuzzy pjs, hat, scarf, socks, Crocs, fingerless gloves, and winter coat, I was surprisingly “warm” (with the exception of my fingers). The air was crisp and clear—no icy breeze thank heavens. I managed to repeat last night’s poop-scrape and protein-feed chicken routine in remarkably record time. But when it came time for me to change out the two water feeders I was forced to acknowledge that the water in the hose had frozen. I immediately rationalized that although the remaining water was murky and low…it was better than no water at all. Here’s hoping the 40 chicks don’t drain the two feeders before I return home. Just what every mother fears…the death/s of her children’s beloved pet/s while on her watch (been there done that one already).

I only have half an hour left before I must wash off yesterday's makeup and reapply in an effort to appear halfway human before dashing off to my nephew's birthday party. I'll meet up with my parents and my kids (who spent the night with them) and then we'll all drive out to my sister's house. After this party I have to take my son to another party from 4:30-8:00 tonight. This will have us getting back home a little before 9:00...just in time to strut around in the chicken coops.

Dear Santa,

Please bring me some muck boots; my high heels keep sinking in the dirt. I'd also like a good scraper since my kitchen knives all have caked poop on them.



Friday, December 5, 2008

Chicken Chores and Vet Bills

After work I had to take my son shopping so he could get a pair of blue jeans--he has a casual winter dance to attend tonight at the middle school. We found a great pair on sale so both of us are happy. After the quick shopping spree I dropped off both kids at Mom and Dad's because Mom offered to take my son to the dance, which starts at 7:00 and then pick him up when it is over at 9:30. This saves me an extra couple of trips into town so I greatly appreciate it. She also invited my daughter to go ahead and spend the night as well so tonight is turning into a win-win for everyone.

With the temperatures dipping down into the 40s (soon to be between 28 & 31 degrees) I left the car running as I rummaged through our barn in search of the chicken feed (the chicken chores were left to me since my son was not home). At first I scooped up a huge cup full of "feed" only to recognize it as grass seed. I had to call my son to determine which of the 3 buckets and 2 bags in the barn were actually for the chickens (not the deer corn in the red bucket, but the pellets in the white bucket). I walked around to the "big chicken" coop and squeezed my way inside. All of the chickens were roosting outside of their boxes so I had to gently push them with my flashlight to check behind them to see if there were any eggs. Roscoe refused to move and Daisy only edged over a bit. Mind you, these chickens are eye level to me and I was quite concerned about the strong possibility they would peck my eyes out. I'd also like to note that I had not been inside my house yet and was dressed in my work finery. I could only see one egg and gingerly carried it along with the feed cup and my flashlight back to the barn and then to my car. Since my car was still running my headlights enabled me to see where I was going while walking back to the car as it was pitch black outside.

As I drove around the corner and pulled under our carport I put my flashlight into my mouth and lifted the 50 pound bag of chicken feed out of the trunk and carried it over to the "show chicken" coop. This time the likelihood of getting my eyes pecked was not as great as the chance that I would trip over a rock or a stump-while hugging the heavy bag of feed--in the dark--with the flashlight in my mouth (go ahead...laugh at the visual). Once inside the coop I had the opportunity to scrape chicken poop off the bottom of two cardboard feeder boxes before mixing and pouring just the right amount of protein and feed back into them. Did I mention it was below 45 degrees outside?

Then, when I finally enter my house around 7:00 p.m. I go and find Snickers and let her out of her kennel. My husband had picked her up from the vet after school for me and brought her home before he had to go back to work tonight. I had dropped her off at the vet's at 7:30 this morning for her final round of vaccines and to have her spayed. At first I was worried that she would be all groggy and pathetic...but...NO! She is all over the place--as I type this she is upstairs (even though her doctor's note specifically stated "if your pet has to go upstairs please limit the number of times they do this" (or something to that effect). Of course the note also said things like: "no running or jumping;" and "keep away from other pets." So far Snickers has been up and down the stairs, eaten the dog's food (probably because Roo ate the cat's food), wrestled with Roo, ate a dead leaf from my once alive pythos ivy, and is now chewing on one of the Christmas lights...a blue one.

And how was your evening?

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Pet Peeves

Just when I thought our home was toddler-free and we no longer had to worry about things like the dangers of ingesting poinsettias and breaking priceless, sentimental ornaments...enter: Snickers the Cat. This darling feline entered our home and ultimately our hearts at the start of the school year. She was rescued as a kitten from the Walmart parking lot and her picture was sent out via email. I responded knowing all along that I was probably the last in a long line of takers. As luck would have it I "won" a free kitten for my daughter.

Now, I have always been a "dog person"--I always liked the idea of cats...the way they always slinked quietly around the house...the way they napped in the window sills of reclusive writers. But I was always turned off by the thought of cat hair everywhere and catching a cat strolling along my kitchen counters. Why is it that for every thing we swear off we end up not only doing, but, in an odd twist of fate, ignoring out of sheer love. (Much like the time I swore to my young, naive, self that I would NEVER EVER let my baby sit in the front seat of a grocery cart wearing only a diaper and a white t-shirt---did it. NEVER EVER would I leave my kids in the car while I paid for gas---did it. And that's ALL that I'm going to admit to at this time).

And so this Christmas finds me lifting a cat off of my kitchen table, while my kids are dressed in shorts despite the freezing temperatures. Snickers is still young and extremely curious and as if my Bombay mosquito netting and exotic feather swag were not enough to occupy her time and attention I thought I would throw in a lit and decorated Christmas tree. Thinking that "I'll just tell her 'no'" was going to do the trick I carried on as usual. As the pictures show- Snickers took great delight in 'her new toys' while I prayed she didn't bring the tree down on top of her. Just this evening I found a wooden deer toppled over on its' side far away from its' original perch in the window sill. The rest of the wooden nativity scene was slightly askew but still intact. A stuffed Santa ornament lay on its' side beneath the tree. When I went to re-hang it I noticed that the threaded loop was shredded...hmmm. I have a Christmas book collection I like to display along the staircase to our loft---but it appears that Snickers likes to push the top one over first so that it falls onto ALL the others below it like gigantic dominoes.

They always say, "If you can't beat 'em...join 'em" and since my heart is already won over the only thing I can do now is throw some glitter in the litter and call it Christmas!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Big Shoes to Fill

I'm typing this from the comfort of my Mom and Dad's house. The kids and I come by often whenever we need to kill some time between after school activities. Tonight we're all going to listen to my daughter sing as a member of our school district's Honor Choir. Tonight will be her first winter concert as a member. She will be wearing a beautiful black velvet and crepe dress. I had to rush to Walmart between classes today to get her a pair of heels in order to compensate for the fact that we decided not to hem the inches-too-long dress. Since she had rehearsal yesterday I had to buy a pair of shoes without the benefit of her trying them on first. I ended up buying two pair-just in case. Both pair were too big so I made the exchange today and lucked out. I think we just may get by without stepping on her dress.

This reminds me of all of the times I had to "make do" as a young girl (and still do). One memory in particular has me trying out for the "County Queen" at the fair grounds. I was in a borrowed pink satin prom dress (of which I had to stuff the top portion with paper towels) and matching pink very HIGH heels that Mom and I had purchased at Solo Serve on San Pedro for $3.00. Since they did not have my size-but I desperately needed the height of the heel in order for the dress to fit-we ended up buying those babies (which I stuffed paper towels into the toe portion). I did not win the pageant but I should have won an Oscar for the acting job I pulled off walking "gracefully" down the aisle and up the steep steps.

Tonight, my daughter is going to have to balance herself well as she stands tall , and I hope that she feels beautiful and confident. I know the girls were encouraged to wear flats, but sometimes a girl just has to do what a girl has to do...and if that means making do with what she has then so be it! (And for the record: my daughter did look beautiful, and tall...but at least her dress did not drag the ground!)