I snuck out of the house today at noon. I locked myself into my car and drove off with the sunroof open and the radio on. I called my kids to let them know that I was on my way into San Antonio once I knew I was a safe distance away--the point of no return. I really did not know what I was going to do, where I was going to go, or when I would return. I did know that I simply wanted to be alone and I wanted to amble at leisure. I thought briefly about taking in a movie but decided against it since there was not anything I was eager to see. I ended up in the bedding department at TJ Max. My son sleeps in a twin bed with our old king sized comforter draped over it. Since there were some good after Christmas sales going on I decided to get him a proper bed in a bag. I found one that I liked...very cozy and warm. It had "circles" of tan, beige, and chocolate brown all over it. I had a slight hesitation about buying it since I didn't really shop around--knew better than to buy it just to buy it. But, in the end, I figured what the heck...it beats the way-too-big comforter he uses now.
I was actually a little giddy at the prospect of surprising him with a new bedspread--especially since he has finally finished cleaning out his room (this has been a HUGE undertaking...one that has taken up nearly every weekend in November and December!). While he was outside I made his bed and set his pillow atop it all just so. Later, when I heard him enter the house I came out of my room smiling and followed him to his room...anxious to witness his surprise and excitement.
"Get that thing off my bed!" were his first words.
feel it ... it's soooo soft," I tried.
"Yeah, it is soft...but I don't want it in my room."
After that mother-son bonding moment I started to see that the "circles"
did look a lot more like polka dots ... especially in the eyes of a thirteen year old boy...a boy that was covered in camo from head to toe...with a pellet gun slung across his body...and dirt everywhere the camo was not.
So his room is not Pottery Barn perfect...
So I'm not Martha Stewart...
So what...
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