With the boys out of the house our home turned into an all girls' retreat last night. I was surrounded by my daughter, a friend, my sister-in-law, and my niece. I love being around women who love you back. After a day spent with my daughter at the movies, in the stores, and in a restaurant I ended up at my sister-in-law's house eating a delicious pizza she made just for us. After our meal we all walked over to my house--homemade brownies and Blue Bell's Coffee Ice Cream in tow. Our flashlights led the way as Snickers dashed in and out of our path. I threw down as many comforters as I could find and we all changed into our comfy-cozy pajamas and settled in to watch Mama Mia. After we had our fill of laughter and tears we headed to the kitchen and scooped balls of ice cream into our brownie-filled bowls and poured on the syrup...Life is Good!
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