So now I have a closet full of nothing to wear and I have it in every size. I can't get rid of the small sizes because those are the cute clothes (nevermind the fact that not only do they not fit but they look as if they never ever could have ever fit me and will never ever ever fit me least not in the same way). I don't want to keep the larger sizes because ... well...because they're large. I don't know why I have so many different items because I really only wear my pajamas, my velour sweat suits, and my two black mix and match combos. I feel safer in winter because I stay bundled up (which is quite the challenge these days as the weather is nowhere near the "wear fleece" end of the themometer).
I'm starting to "listen to my body" --not because all of the magazines tell me to--but because I can actually hear it. It moans and groans every time I have to get up...or get down. It creaks if I bend and it flaps if I run. Basically it is screaming at me to get active and get back in shape. And so, I come before you today, declaring that I will actively attempt to get into shape...I just can't decide which shape that is.
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