I've been a tad bit busy this past week and have not been able to post. I hate to make excuses, but here's why:
MONDAY: Attended an awards ceremony for my son...got home a little after 8:00 that night.
TUESDAY: Attended a band concert for my daughter...got home a little after 9:00 that night.
WEDNESDAY: Took my daughter to podiatrist appointment at 2:45, then picked up my son from school at 4:00, then drove the half hour communte back home to take my daughter to her hair appointment at 4:15 (ran little bit late on that one), then took my son home while his sister was getting layers cut in her beautiful hair (prayed hard that she would like it), after successful hair cut experience I left the house at 6:00 to drive my son to an end of the school year church dinner/swim party that started at 6:30, then I drove back home and forced myself to work out for 20 minutes (still attempting the 30-Day Shred), after a quick shower I left the house at 8:00 to pick up my son, returned back home a little after 9:00, once home I baked a test batch of Besitos de Coco for my daughter's history project from 9:30-10:00, stayed up until my kids finished their homework-which was around 11:15 at night.
THURSDAY: Tried in vain to
leave the house
before I was suppose to report to work but was unable to do so as my son proceeded to tell me that he had just thrown up "6 times." The "fun" part of it was that he had just eaten a bowl of Lucky Charms and only made it as far as the bathroom sink...you do the math...
not so freakin' lucky for moi. But, like most of us, he felt "much better"
after barfing so I grabbed the infamous barf bucket and several blankets and off we went to school/work. Once at work I snuck away as soon as I was able to in an effort to buy enough ingredients to feed the entire school for my daughter's social studies project (her country was Venezuela)...(I don't even feed my own family but when in Rome...), I wanted to do my grocery shopping early just in case my son got sick again and then I wouldn't be able to back 600+Besitos de Coco (I'm not a real fan of homework...especially once one turns 38!). Once my shopping was done (and I only ran into 2 parents-good grief) I returned to work and immediately felt nauseated (although work, in general, has that effect on me...this was a little different). I was unable to do anything other than burp and moan-though not necessarily in that order. (PLEASE KEEP IN MIND THIS IS ALL STILL JUST
ONE DAY!). I had to eat outside of our lunch circle as no one wanted to take the chance that I may be harboring the Swine Flu. To cure my ails I noshed on some pico de gallo and thin chips...and guess what...it worked! After lunch I felt as if nothing had ever happened and since I was feeling my oats I was then able to speed home at the end of the school/work day and begin baking...which I proceeded to do for the next four hours! And I only burnt 2 of the batches! (I also prepared a dish for another event for tomorrow evening).
FRIDAY: By now my alarm and me are no longer on speaking terms and because of this lack of communication I did not get out of bed until approximately 20 minutes before I was suppose to LEAVE THE HOUSE! By this point in my week I can't really remember my name and fully relied on habit to navigate my way to work. Once there I covertly called the band director to ask for a second permission slip because my daughter had left hers at home. I asked him not to tell her that I called because I wanted
her to go grovelling to him on her own. I attended my daughter's festival of foods and sampled all of the other mothers' late-night baking/cooking projects. I dropped Visine into my eyes routinely and finally found myself on the ride back home. But, not for long, because it was now time to attend my husband's end of the year event and so I grabbed my chilled dish, took down my pony tail only to realize that there was no way the crimped hair encircling my head could be tamed so back up it went. I threw on some capris, a fairly clean shirt, and some sparkly flip flops. By 9:00 I was ready to curl up beneath a cedar tree and sleep until 2010. Since that did not happen I became a walking and talking bobble-head for the next couple of hours.
Saturday: I did not wake up until 10:30 this morning! It was glorious!
Even though my home is in total disarray I managed to ignore it all and finished watching a movie we had started
last Sunday, sat outside and ate more pico while reading and writing, and visited the community dump site. All in all it was a good day.
Sunday: Remains to be seen...