Saturday, June 21, 2008

Dream On

If any of you out there can interpret all means: COMMENT ON MINE!!! This morning I awoke with the realization that "it was all just a dream." Let me see if I can pull some of the pieces together and paint you a picture of just what went on last night: It all started with a wedding. There were two grooms and they were Trace Atkins and Tim McGraw (uh huh). The weird part of it was that there was never a bride in the picture...hmmm. After the "wedding" it was determined that the "winner of the contest" was none other than moi. (I am guessing that this dream was a conglomeration of Nashville Star, Celebrity Apprentice, America's Got Talent, and my very own Subconcious Heaven!). The next thing I know I am being carted off in a miniature car (much like a canvas folding chair one would use at the lake) with only a small red backpack and a stuffed Yorkshire Terrier. Two friends of mine are driving me to my yet undisclosed destination (they are a tad peeved that they did not "win", but nevertheless happy for me). We arrive at a HUGE auditorium (think Academy Awards) and I am told that I will be performing ON STAGE in fifteen minutes. {Note to readers: I CAN NOT SING!}

The lights dim and I find myself sandwiched between Trace and Tim (don't I wish) as we begin our opening number. There are many sheets of notebook paper taped to the wooden floor of the stage. Each song title is highlighted in a different color and apparently "my color" is pink. I pray that the two deep voices of the PROFESSIONAL singers will drown out my feeble attempts at song. But then I am caught up in the moment and I start to actually sing. I am a little better than I thought. That's when I notice we have backup singers/dancers on stage with us. This is turning out to be quite the production(now I am remembering my phone conversation with "Danielle" who promised me a trip to Las Vegas if only I would drive down to Timbuktu and listen to her "spiel" this Sunday at 4:00).

As the song list dwindles down to the grand finale I have embraced my new lifestyle and am confident that I am where I was meant to be all along. There are only three of us left on stage. I work my way over to the far left side of the stage (secretly thinking I should be in the know...for aesthetics) and croon my heart out. That is when I notice that Trace and Tim are both out in the audience on small round stages. There is one other small round the middle...and it is empty. I look to my right and notice there are two backup singers accompanying me.

As the lights dim and the curtain falls I am whisked away by my two friends and loaded into the blue canvas mini "car". I don't know whether to be embarrassed, upset, elated, or confused. All I know is that I left my damn backpack (read: purse/cell phone/wallet/LIFE) and stuffed terrier backstage! We pull into my friend's driveway and right away the evening's events begin to peel away from me layer by layer. While us girls are starting to giggle and rehash the night I hear a loud whirr outside. When I step outside the front door I can see my mom and my dad with leaf blowers strapped to their backs (this isn't even their house...or mine!) I bring them inside and introduce them to my friends and my mother and I start to snoop around looking at all of the cool decor while my friend wraps up a phone conversation (get this: she is talking on a baby blue WALL PHONE...complete with curly/springy cord).

There was also a part of my dream that was SO not related to the above but nevertheless was dreamt the same night. It involved a waterpark and friends. Oh yeah...I just husband and I went to take the kids to a community pool and when we got there it was night and it was overcrowded and I had my dog, Roo, with me and it was cold and we ended up talking with old people at a picnic table. Before we knew it "Danielle" showed up and started asking us questions about Las Vegas!

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