Wednesday, October 29, 2008


We are two days away from Halloween...a scary thought isn't it? Well, to me it is. I am scared because I have not made costumes, I have not purchased costumes, I have not even suggested costumes. I have not bought pumpkins, I have not carved a pumpkin, I have no desire to see a pumpkin. The very idea that I will be in the proximity of every kind of delicious candy ever manufactured has me wanting to hole up somewhere far far away until Monday.

Yes, my kids are getting older and it's not exactly the same...the anticipation isn't there (except for the candy part). But the fact of the matter is I am getting older and it ain't exactly the same either. I'd really like nothing more than to shove the kids out the door with a flash light, a cell phone, and a pair of my pantyhose over their heads. But, we live out in the middle of nowhere so by the time they reached the first house they would no doubt be fighting and out of breath or out of batteries. This means that we have to stay in town after school/work until it's "time" to trick or treat...except THIS year the daylight savings time will not decend upon us until after Halloween--not good. There is nothing like pacing back and forth until what feels like 9:00 at night to walk more blocks than you'd ever walk intentionally for any form of exercise--only to return home with a pillowcase FULL of SUGARY SWEETS and POTENTIAL POISON. "Sweet dreams darlings...Mommy's just going to go through all of your candy to make sure it's safe to eat..." translates as "Get your butts in bed NOW! I want to pilfer the good stuff pronto before you remember what you got!"

This technique generally results in getting one's body ready to stretch in preparation for the feasting trifecta of Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.

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