Monday, January 5, 2009

Always Leave a Q-Tip

This morning started off okay if you count a thirty minute duel with the snooze button. I knew I would have to get up early but I stayed up late again...because I could. I took my time getting ready--barely shuffling my feet...because I could. I didn't have to report to work until 8:00 this morning so there you have it...of course as the morning wore on I ended up actually leaving my house at 8:00 (but let's not go there...just in case my boss reads this---!)

As I enjoyed my quiet moment "alone" this morning--the kids were still asleep--I poured some coffee, talked to our cat, and turned on the Today Show. It was cold and wet with a high of 43 so I put on an extra layer of clothing. Snickers decided that I needed a little company so she stayed with me in my bathroom while I put on my makeup. She thoroughly enjoys playing with Q-Tips so I threw one down to her. She batted it around and around until it ended up on the bath mat in front of my tub. She had the mat curled up and flipped over in no time. Then it was on to bigger and better (and shinier) things.

I left my chair for a second to get something and up she hopped. She stretched over the counter as if she were ready for her close up. My eyes grew wide when I realized what could potentially happen. Sure enough Snickes reached for a cotton ball and in the process knocked an earring to the ground (don't worry Mother...I have a plastic cover over my drain to catch all of my stray hairs that somehow or another find their way to every drain in the house!).

When I finally made it to work I enjoyed seeing people who make me laugh and feel good. I used up my lunch break returning that dad-gum bed in a bag that has been haunting me for weeks now!!! I wash my hands of it!!! I snuck in a power shopping spree and grabbed some Chinese food to go. After work I spent an hour at Wal-Mart...I mean...I might as well get into the real routine again!!!

Needless to say I am pooped out! My right trapezoid muscle is burning and my eyes are heavy. As soon as this gets posted I'm off to bed and hopefully to sleep. One must get her beauty sleep before dealing with the equivalent of trying to herd 600+cats...otherwise known as elementary students in a very large library. Maybe I'll cover the library floor with Q-Tips!!!

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