Friday, January 16, 2009

Dedicated to the Ones I Love

I had a good day although I started getting, what I like to call, "church pew sleepy," right after lunch. It is very difficult to do one's job while nodding off...but...I manage to pull it off on a somewhat regular basis. Of course, it's not hard to stay awake when you experience moments that take your breath away. I had two incredible moments that made my day: a 1st grade class came to the library asking if they could read to me instead. They were so excited because they had just completed their first book, a collaborative effort, called, The Mystery of the Missing And. I took my seat on the story rug with all of the other kids while one student sat in my chair to read the story. Before she began all of the kids insisted that I read the dedication page. The book was dedicated to ME!! I mean, it just doesn't get much better than this! Do I not have the best job in the world?! What a thrill it was for me to get to witness first hand the pride and ownership these 1st graders felt as "their" page was read and displayed. To hear them sounding out words and reading fluently is such a reward. It's moments like these, when kids are entralled with all things relating to books and words and stories that make me love what I's pretty great to be able to work in such an environment.

Earlier that morning our life skills students asked me if they could perform a reader's theater for me. Imagine my joy at being able to watch and listen as these amazing students read, shared, and helped one another. I was floored by their accomplishments. I was in awe of their teacher.

Sure, there are days when I would much rather stay at home, but that is only because I love being home...not because I dislike being at work. I count myself blessed to work around kids. I feel so fortunate that I am able to watch kids grow, learn, and mature from the time they start kindergarten until the time the go on the seventh grade...and even later in life. I will never tire of enjoying a good book. I will never stop trying to turn kids on to reading. There is something magical that happens when a child learns to read and then gets lost in a book.

Today I witnessed two separate yet similar situations where kids were so incredibly happy...all because they read out loud.

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