Thursday, July 24, 2008

Weather or Not

With the first hint of a rainy day I immediately turned on my amber lights and thought about lighting candles. The only thing stopping me was the fear that should we actually be in the path of an actual tornado the candle might tip over and catch the entire house on fire (never mind the fact that a tornado would more than likely pick up my house, candle and all, and drop it off in munchkin land). After receiving the warning call from a friend that we were under a tornado warning, I immediately set to work dragging a twin mattress into my bathroom closet along with my clock radio, by way of extention cord, wind up flashlight, three pillows, and Roo's dog bed. My kids and I had radar on the computer screen, News 4 on the t.v., and cell phones at the ready. I had already called my husband, mother, and sister. Should I stow some granola bars and bottled water into my closet? I was in adreneline mode. I was prepared to lay on top of my kids and protect them from flying glass.

Needless to say, (and thank goodness at that) the sky never got that steely grey color and I never heard a train. We got less than an inch of rain when it was all said and done. The wind never picked up and we received better satellite reception than on good weather days. But it got me thinking about the important things in my journals. I couldn't help first thought went not to the safety of my children, but to my hope chest that houses a lifetime of memories. At first I irrationally thought, "that hope chest is way too heavy to move," and then my next thought was, "tornadoes move entire houses you idiot!" That's right...I was worried about my writings. Whereas, on the other hand, my daughter had packed a purse full of MONEY (but only her 20s and higher...not those measely ones). My son was only fixated on the actual reds, yellows, and greens of the radar screen. My husband was at work. I kept close tabs on where Roo was at any given time.

I can't imagine being in a true emergency situation. I can't imagine losing everything you hold dear. My daughter was worried about her cousin's almost-completed home. My sister was worried about our parents. My friend was worried about me. I was worried about whether to put a mattress over us in the bathroom or the closet.

By late afternoon, after the immediate threat was over, I lost myself in a serious game of Star Wars Monopoly with my daughter. My son spent some time in the chicken coop. My husband came home as early as he could. I called my friends and grew excited as we made plans for an overnight girls' weekend at the lake.
Rain or shine life goes's up to us to weather it out.

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