Sunday, September 7, 2008


As I sit here with my back up against the wall –literally-I am waiting for my laptop to come to life. It is apparently exhausted and my guess is it will revive itself just about the time I need to leave to pick up my daughter from a birthday party. I am at Barnes & Noble trying to look and feel like I belong here—that I fit in. But I don’t. For starters I’m not savvy enough to snag a table next to an outlet; but I did find a bench, in an obvious shunned-from-the-group location, with an outlet in the wall behind it. It was one of those outlets where the actual plug part of it is dangling from the wall-the lower portion cracked and screaming,“Touch Me and You Die!” I threw caution to the wind and stuck my battery cord into the top part. For the first eight minutes I wondered if it was actually “hot” as my computer screen remained black and I could not detect a hum of any sorts. So, what is one to do while waiting for their computer to come on? I started writing by hand all of the things that I wanted to type. When my computer finally woke up I was able to type a paragraph and then it was, as predicted, time to shut down and leave.

I got off to a bad start when I tried ordering a cup of coffee. I was startled when one of the guys behind the counter asked for my order-uh…I-want-a-caramel—uh---I-mean-a grande-caramel-frappaccino I nervously shouted back as if all of the words were one long one. I knew that I couldn’t just say “coffee”…I mean, even I am hip enough to know that. I also knew that since I was at Starbucks I might as well get some flavor going…and I really like caramel…so I threw in the “grande” part to show my knowledge of all things Starbucks and ended up with a cold beverage. If I had wanted cold I would have asked for a Coke. Then it came time to pay for the mystery concoction … with all 12 of my gift cards. It took seven of them to pay for the drink. So here I am, left with a drink that I didn’t even know that I didn’t want.

I think I’ll use my last five gift cards and buy a Starbucks travel mug; that way I can fill it with my brewed at home Folgers-French Vanilla thankyouverymuch-and then I won’t have to get all stressed out as I seek to relax.

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