Monday, September 15, 2008

Night School

Today was one of those days where at 10:30 at night I am still in my heels, dress, and eyeliner. Tonight I did not get home until 9:30 because I had to stay in town for my son's "Meet the Teacher Night." As parents darted here and there in the hallways desperately trying to get to each class before the bell rang I was immediately grateful that I was not back in school as a student. I am afraid of what type of student I would be today as opposed to the one I was back then. Back when I was in middle school I was studious and such the people pleaser...especially when it came to my teachers (and good thing too since I have taught alongside several of them!) I was so aware of the rules and adamant about following them. I took everything very seriously and, as a result, did well.

Today, knowing what I know now; feeling what I feel now...well, I'm not so sure I'd do it all the same again. For starters I wouldn't get nauseated if I was tardy for a class. I would ask more questions and I wouldn't freak out if my papers were wrinkled. I would get to know my teachers and really pick their brains. I would not worry about trying to fit in to any one group and just enjoy being the me that I am. That being said, middle school was one of my most favorite school experiences. I've always said that if I could go back and do it again I'd return to 7th grade. I don't know if it was the freedom I felt back then, or if it was that all things good happened to me??? I can't really put my finger on it. All I know is that elementary existence is just so...well..elementary. And high school...oh such drama! Middle school was the best fit for me. I think I am stuck in a middle school vacuum as an adult. I know I'm not a child, but I don't think I'll ever really feel like a "grown up." My hormones are out of whack and I still get zits. I still get excited when one of my girlfriends calls me or sends me something in the mail (as close to note passing as we can get).

Tonight finds me weary and yet excited. I played "grown up" as I got to meet all of the teachers who are a part of my son's life. There are several that he speaks very highly of and of whom I pray make an impact on his future. But, playing "grown up" has me praying he will succeed. It also has me waiting for the dryer to buzz so that I can take the football uniform out and go to bed.

With tomorrow being picture day for my daughter and I --along with my son's very first football game ever-- I'd have to say that adolescence isn't all that bad. Let's just hope and pray for a good hair day and a chance to play ball.

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