Monday, December 22, 2008

All I Want For Christmas

Why is it that when things are at their busiest time often stands still? By that I mean we, as a family, despite all of the unfinished tasks, were able to stop for a while and watch A Christmas Story. A couple of days ago my husband and the kids presented me with an early Christmas present: the DVD of A Christmas Story. We watched this classic last year and laughed all throughout. This year was no exception, and as the kids get older and older they really seem to “get it"…from every angle.

I am always touched by the ending when it is evident that one of the true magical moments of Christmas morning is seeing your children receive something that they really wanted more than anything else. That moment in time has to be one of the great rewards of parenting. Christmas morning memories stay with you no matter how old you get. It seems that we can all remember the sheer joy we felt when our wishes were granted.

I can remember bountiful Christmases and I can remember slim Christmases. Both kinds brought me happiness. The love was there beneath the tree in both cases. As I prepare for our Christmas morning magic I can’t help but to return to my childhood and want nothing more than for my kids to have that happy feeling burn within. I pray that they know they are loved unconditionally and that out of love they are not given every single thing that they want. I hope that their Christmas morning memories will travel with them wherever they go, and I can’t wait for them to each smile when they unwrap the very thing that they wanted more than anything else.

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