Saturday, December 27, 2008

Oh The Weather Outside

What a gorgeous day we had yesterday---the temps were in the upper 70s!! It's days like these that have me seriously contemplating running away to the equator to live out the rest of my days! When I was much younger and oh so much dumber I thought it all wrong to spend Christmas on the beach??!!! WHAT were "those people" thinking?! NOW I know! Even though the weather was delightful I managed to stay inside nestled in the crook of my chair-then my bed-then my couch-reading the day was glorious!!! My family played outside, and for that I am extremely grateful...for their sake as well as my sanity!! At one point in the afternoon all of the boys loaded up in the jeep and drove down to the creek. The younger boys went swimming! The day after Christmas!! My kids had a great day as their cousins had their cousins over from out of town so there were plenty of kids around! At one point I made myself get OUT so I grabbed my book, a Coke, and sat out on the porch with Roo and Snickers. I was so glad that I did because everytime I sit in nature I become so inspired. The air was crisp and the breeze was pleasant. It was as if all was well in the world. As I type these words the sky is turning a dark, steely, grey and the wind is picking up. Days like these are welcome too because they force my home into cozy mode; candles burning, lights twinkling, hot tea brewing. (Okay...before I finished that last sentence it became seriously dark and blustery....maybe we'll get a genuine storm soon!).

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