Monday, December 15, 2008


What is it with mothers and sickness? We can’t even barf full throttle…we have to push it down while we attach the scrubber end to the toilet cleaning wand and clean away. We have to break out into a cold and clammy sweat as we wipe down the tank, the seat, the lid..hey, may as well clean the base while we’re at it…then, and only then, can we barf our way to recovery.

I had been meaning to clean our toilet…honestly. But, for some odd reason, the thought of cleaning splatters that-let’s face it-don’t even belong to me, never crossed my mind-except first thing every morning when I have no time to spare and the last thing at night when I have no spare time.

As I am sitting there-contemplating-I make sure I save the wrapper from the scrubber so that when I feel better I can add it to my list of things to buy. Instead of rubbing my stomach or moaning in pain I focus on the hairballs that are nesting on the bath mat. I notice that the dust on the baseboards can no longer be classified as dust because when I swipe at it with my big toe nothing happens. I start thinking about all of the ramifications to follow if I really am truly sick. Please say it isn’t so!

It’s so---and so I quarantined myself in my room where I had a view of all of the neglected piles of clothes and stuff I have been meaning to put away. How ironic that I only have time to get to all of my undones when I am debilitated. But, come 6:00 p.m. the piles have been reduced and it is becoming more and more apparent that I may have to call in sick. This, as liberating as it may sound, is not all it’s cracked up to be. For starters I have to get online to utilize our subfinder system. Well, actually I should call and prearrange a substitute and then type in my request. Then I need to let my sub know all of the instructions and directions for the day, etc…that is, if she is even available.
As luck would have it Mondays are my light days at work and I can usually get so much accomplished. Oh well.

Next there is the issue of getting the kids to school and picking them up again. Since we live out of town this is not as simple as it may sound.

As the evening approaches I make sure the kids have done any homework that they may have forgotten they had. I make sure we, as a family, spend some time together for our Advent devotions. I make sure the dog and cat spend some time outdoors, and I wish my head weren’t pounding so I could use this time to read.

As I type this my daughter walks in and declares that, “Mom! You look beautiful like that! Don’t move! I gotta get the camera!” Great…another picture to immortalize me as I truly was.

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