Monday, December 8, 2008

Baby It's Cold?? Outside

My family has spent more time outdoors in shorts and bare feet this past fall than any other year past. As November merged its way into December we took jeep rides down to the creek and caught tiny frogs and raced boats my son had made out of aluminum foil. We marveled at leaf cutter ants as they hauled their mighty load to and fro. We watched movies outside and spied falling stars and witnessed the brightness of other planets. One night we even saw the space station orbit above our heads.
In just a few short days “winter” will officially be here and we just might be forced to put on a pair of socks. While I cleared all of my candles out of the fireplace weeks ago our grate stands empty. Now I don’t want to mislead you into thinking that I am desperate for a roaring blaze. I am a much bigger fan of sweat than I am of chills. But even I can appreciate the warmth that the winter brings. There is something about winter that makes me enjoy my family and the closeness we all share when forced to stay close by. I have a strong feeling that this winter will sneak in and then never leave. I think that I will quickly be longing for the opportunity to dip my toes into the cool and refreshing water of the creek. But, until that day I am determined to appreciate each day that I get to experience God’s plan for our weather.
Take this morning for example: I curled my hair unaware that it was going to be a humid and muggy and unseasonably warm day by December standards. My curls began to unfurl by the time I stepped out of my bathroom and were a mere memory by the time I pulled into the school’s parking lot. Oh well…that’s what ponytails are for.
While I prefer summer to winter I must say that I thoroughly enjoy the notion of covering myself from head to toe. So, despite the heat wave we experienced today, I still wore tights, boots, a scarf and a leather jacket. The beads of sweat helped to give me that glistening glow that is so “in” these days.
Whether it‘s winter and you’re craving the lake or it’s summer and you can’t wait for hot chocolate…just remember that even though the calendar says “December” you still may want to keep those legs shaved and those toes painted just in case you have to wear your flip flops and shorts on Christmas morning.

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