Sunday, December 21, 2008

A Day of Rest

Today is Sunday-A Day of Rest-and so I did...until NOON!!! Finally, I feel somewhat caught up on my least for now. The past week had been a tough one for me. Between stomach bugs and children bugs--late nights and sad nights--the bags beneath my eyes were beginning to look like they were packed to leave the country. The irritability scale had been topped and my steam had all but run out. But today, ah today...I feel great. But I don't think it has so much to do with the rest I received as much as it has to do with the knowlege that I do not have to report to duty tomorrow...or the next day...or the next...

While I still harbor the guilt for not taking my family to church on this Sunday before Christmas, I am grateful for the time at home. Yes, there is still cleaning that has to be done, but it is not magnified and it is manageable. The if it doesn't get done I'll do it tomorrow mentality always helps! The countdown is on and the anticipation is starting to build. The Wizard of Oz was watched last night and the presents will be wrapped today. The wind is blowing and the heaters are on. The kids are cleaning their rooms and the pets are frisky. We are on vacation and Christmas is coming!

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