Monday, December 15, 2008

Weather or Not

I left work clutching our employee phone tree. A winter weather advisory has been placed over our area and there is the ever so slight possibility that the roads may be too icy for least for a couple of hours in the morning. It is times like these when I honestly don't know who is filled with more anticipation: the students or the teachers. Sure, in the end, we'll have to make up the day...but for the moment at least the mere thought of an hour or two gained sounds delightful.

It was already 35 degrees by the time I got home and it was only getting colder. I started the first fire of the season and am so grateful to have a fireplace in our home. Since I'm still not feeling all that great I sat sideways in a chair and watched an hour long show...can't tell you the last time I did that--so what if I had not seen the previous episodes--at least I saw the season finale (for was the finale--go figure!).

Since there is a good chance that our pipes will freeze I made sure to wash dishes earlier and will make certain my face is washed before I go to bed. Usually I prepare my coffee ahead of time but I'm still not able to eat anything substantial and don't feel like coffee yet (probably why I have such a pounding headache!).

I will have to wait until morning to see what my day has in store for me...until then I'm snuggling up with my electric blanket and my Advil!

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