Saturday, December 6, 2008

Country Christmases---More Fun Than A Barrel of Santas

When I walked outside at 6:15 (way too early by Saturday standards) in my fuzzy pjs, hat, scarf, socks, Crocs, fingerless gloves, and winter coat, I was surprisingly “warm” (with the exception of my fingers). The air was crisp and clear—no icy breeze thank heavens. I managed to repeat last night’s poop-scrape and protein-feed chicken routine in remarkably record time. But when it came time for me to change out the two water feeders I was forced to acknowledge that the water in the hose had frozen. I immediately rationalized that although the remaining water was murky and low…it was better than no water at all. Here’s hoping the 40 chicks don’t drain the two feeders before I return home. Just what every mother fears…the death/s of her children’s beloved pet/s while on her watch (been there done that one already).

I only have half an hour left before I must wash off yesterday's makeup and reapply in an effort to appear halfway human before dashing off to my nephew's birthday party. I'll meet up with my parents and my kids (who spent the night with them) and then we'll all drive out to my sister's house. After this party I have to take my son to another party from 4:30-8:00 tonight. This will have us getting back home a little before 9:00...just in time to strut around in the chicken coops.

Dear Santa,

Please bring me some muck boots; my high heels keep sinking in the dirt. I'd also like a good scraper since my kitchen knives all have caked poop on them.



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