Thursday, December 18, 2008

Get Out of Jail Free!

There is a sort of double-edged swordness to "getting" to stay home from work...especially if you are a Mom. You get to stay home-but you have to clean up after a person with a stomach bug. I feel bad that my daughter feels bad, but I can't help but to feel giddy that we get to stay home. Add to that the fact that since we came home early yesterday I was able to clean up most of our messes then. Top that with the fact that neither of has an appetite so no meals had to be prepared! I mean, can you just imagine?! Being home and just being?! Well...neither can I --that is why I took this opportunity to sweep and mop out the kids' bathroom, wash every sheet, comforter, and pillowcase in the house (whether it belonged to a sickee's bed or not), and started entertaining thoughts of organizing kitchen drawers (remember...I'm a little food deprived here...obviously not in my right mind). Truth be told I actually feel fantastic today--yay!!! Finally!!!

Before I knew that I would be staying home today I woke up a little after 5:00 a.m., got dressed and ready for the day...I should have known something was up because I looked rested despite a tear-filled night. Both my makeup and my hair "worked" for me this morning...I mean, really, when does that ever happen, right?! Sure enough...when I went in to wake Hailey she felt warm and was running a low grade fever. That was all that I needed to make the call and set in to motion the plans for the rest of the day. I took Josh to school and then went by my school to put out a couple of fires and then it was off to Walmart and the gas station. I had to purchase the necessary stay-at-home-with-a-sick-daughter items...things such as nail strengthener, 3 new bottles of fingernail polish, and a Sprite. Remember's not how you's how you look!

So now, I have a mere 2 hours left before I have to get Josh. The clock's ticks are getting incessantly louder; they are moving way too fast. Just like in the game of Monopoly, my "Get Out of Jail Free" card can only last so long and then it is time to give it up and return to my cell. I enjoyed it while I had it in my possession. I made the most out of the time I was given. Tomorrow is uncertain for me but I do know that should I "get to" return to work it is but for half a day. In a sense I will be "Just Visiting;" still in the corner on the gameboard of life with all of the world's opportunities on either side of me.

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